Chapter 2

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Sorry its been so long since i have updated anything:/ Please enjoy this! Love you xx

I start running as soon as my feet hit the ground. The quicker I’m away from this hell hole the better. I felt drops of rain hit my face as my sneakers hit the now wet pavement. Squeak, squeak, squeak. I stop at the 4 way intersection thinking about which way to go. Straight will take me back to the highway which loops back to my house. Behind me will take me back home. Why would I even suggest that? It’s the most stupidest suggestion I’ve ever came up with! Trust me I have had some pretty stupid suggestions.  Shut up here I am suppose to be thinking of which road to go down! Now where was I? Right will take me back to town, where my parents are. Left will take me to the next city over which is London. I’ve lived in England my whole life but never been to London. I live in this small town next to it. To me big cities are intimidating. I’ve grown up afraid of life, it only makes sense that bad things would happen in big cities. Just like they do in small ones. I guess the best choice is left. I wanted to stay at this small hotel in town and get a job working there until I can get away from this city. I guess that won’t happen now. You know what they say though, when nothing goes right go left. I began running down the asphalt my shoes still squeaking on the wet asphalt, and the rain pounding down hard. My breathing getting heavy and my sides staring to have a burning feeling in them. I stop and bend over, trying not to throw up my guts. I take my phone out of my bag. “Santa” got it for me a year ago. It’s the iphone 3.I have all my stuff in zip-locked bags inside my old worn out book bag in case it rain. I quickly find the bag that said PHONE on it. It said 8:30pm. I look on the Google maps to see where I am and how much longer till I am in London. I am 15 minute away from London. That makes it around 30 minutes since I am walking. No more running for me, ever. It’s just too much work! As I start walking again, after I put my phone away, my stomach makes this funny sound. I haven’t eaten in like 2 hours! Way too long. Even though my family may have not cared about me, I was not underfeed. No I am not fat. I have a high metabolism and I eat everything in sight. I haven’t gained a pound from eating in awhile. I am also short standing at 5’2. I am very average looking with brown curly hair, paleish skin with freckles sprinkled across the bridge of my nose and right under my eyes. My eyes are my favorite part of my body, they were a blue, sometimes they looked green, other times they look gray. Depending on my mood. Gray is usually when I’m sad or mad about something. Green means I’m confused or just plain happy. Blue is just my normal color I have no clue what it means! I don’t know what my personality is since I don’t have any friends and I barely talked to my family enough for it to come out. The only time my personality came out was with my grandfather. I guess you can say I’m very easy to make laugh, loud at times, can act like a child, flirty, but still very responsible. I come off very shy when you first and I have a very serious side to me. I do not like looking ay myself. Well enough about boring ole me.

*30 minutes later*

I just past the big sign that says “Now entering London city limits”. Well no turning back now. As I got into the city the lights blinded my vision. It was packed with people, like a can of sardines. I passed a group of girls all wearing short dresses, most likely going to a club. They all looked over at me like I was a piece of crap. They all exchanged a look and busted out laughing, as if they were sharing a inside joke. I rolled my eyes at them knowing they aren’t worth my time. I walked around trying to find a less crowded place. Everyone kept giving me the same look as that one group of girls. I looked down to see my legs were covered with mud. My hair was dripping wet and my shirt was plastered to my skin. I walked faster wanting to get out of these peoples way since they could care less about me. I finally found a deserted street. I walked down it, looking around everywhere. I have a feeling that this place is where someone could die. I am usually not that scared of things. Since my life is a living nightmare, but there is just something about this place that gives me the creeps. I saw a music store and walked towards it; hoping to get directions to the nearest cheapest hotel. I walked up the stairs, through the doors, and saw a girl sitting at a desk. As I walked in I saw a girl sitting at the counter, looking engrossed into her laptop. She had long black hair, with side swept bangs over her right eye. She had teal highlights scattered about and dark eyeliner around her eyes. She was dressed on dark clothing, she looked kinda emo.  As soon as she sees me her smile goes really big.

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