Chapter 3

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A/N at the end! ENJOY

Chapter 3

          “Gracie, time to wake up.” I heard a soft Irish voice. I swatted at the figure sitting by me.

          “It’s time to eat dinner.” He said in the same soft voice. I sat up quickly and turned to him. I looked at the clock quickly to say it was 12 at night.

          “Why didn’t you say that earlier!” He chuckled slightly before getting up and holding his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Are faces were an inch way from each other. He looked down at my clothes and he smiled slightly.  

          “Why are you wearing my shirt?” His breath tickled my face.

          “This is yours? I just picked it off of the bed.”

          “That’s fine I was just wondering.” He said leaning in. He smiled and kissed my cheek lightly. I had this warm tingly felling in my body form the contact. He grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the room. He let my hand go as we walked down the stairs. I felt a little sad but I just brushed it off. As soon as I got into the kitchen all of the boys looked up from the table. They all smiled with food all over their faces; I giggled slightly.

          “You guys have a little something on your face.” I said still giggling. They all turned red before grabbing napkins and wiping their faces. The one with the curly hair patted the seat next to him. Harry is his name I think. I ran over and slid into the chair before getting a plate. I stacked it high with food and all the guys looked at me like iw as crazy. I just shrugged and began to eat. They all ust looked at each other then back at me before eating again.

          “So did you sleep good?” The one with the black hair said.I really need to learn there names! What is it? Wayne, Main, Zayn! That’s it!

          “Yeah, thanks for letting me use your bathroom.” I said directing the last part to Liam.

          “No problem. You looked like you needed one.”

          “I did, trust me.” I said before finishing the food left on my plate. I frowned slightly at the sight of an empty plate.

          “What’s wrong?” Harry said. All of the guys looked at me in concern.

          “I ran out of food!” I said pouting slightly they all laughed and the boy next to me, Louis was his name I think, poked my stomach.

          “Cause you ate it all!”

          “I know that! But I’m still hungry.” I said still pouting at my empty plate.

          “Looks like you have some completion Niall!” Harry said in between laughs.

          “You can get more food love. You looked starved.” Liam said smiling at me. I smiled at began to pile up more food.

          “I’m not starved it’s just I can’t gain wait. I have a really high metabolism, so yeah.”

          “Hey you’re like me!” Niall shouted smiling really big. I just shook my head at him since my mouth was full. After I finished my 3rd plate of food and all the other guys were almost done with their 2nd I got up and did the dishes that were in the sink.

          “You didn’t have to do the dishes.” Liam said from the table.

          “Yes she did!” Louis yelled. I heard a ow! And knew someone hit him.

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