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"Uh, hi the names Jimin"

"I recall your name being..., Yoogi?"

"Yoongi, but for now call me Suga.
We clearly don't know each other that well
So Suga for now"
The guy that I assumed was Taehyung's brother answered.

Oh how I thought he was gonna be kind like
This sunshine.


"So how did you meet my baby brother Taehyung"
Yoongi said now sitting with a clingy
Tae beside him.

"We meet at the bus station hyung, just as I saw him
I knew he had to be in my existence
while I'm here of course"

Making me smile.

"So where are you from, what's your birth date
any crimes"
Yoongi shot me a mysterious

"Busan, October 13 1995"

"No not a single crime"
I replied.

"Now, I was disrespectful I'll answers the
same questions I asked you. Daegu, March 9
7 crimes"

"My crimes are
Only for my family to know of"

He's scary

That's for sure.

Sorry I was on hiatus but n cares clearly no one reads it but

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