Phil's POV

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    I screamed. I screamed for Mrs. Howell. I lost him. I lost him for good. I wanted him back. I wanted him back so badly. I loved him. I knew I wasn't good for him but now I saw that that was not true. We needed each other the way an addict needs its next fix. I kneeled by Dan.
    I kissed him on his lips and felt for a pulse, trying to see through my tears. There was a pulse. A slightly faltering pulse, but a pulse all the same. I fumbled for my phone and dialed 911 with my bloody fingers. As soon as they picked up I screamed that my boyfriend was dying and gave them the address.
    "We'll be over in a few seconds, just stay where you are."
    I hung up the phone and threw it behind me. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around his cut. It was deep. Really deep. Deeper than I ever cut myself. Too deep. "Dan, love. I love you. You're my boyfriend, this will never happen again. We need each other. I love you."
    I gasped and held him tightly. I was shuddering and gasping for air but I couldn't seem to get any. It was so much. I just cried on him. Cried at what life he lost. Cried because the last thing he knew was that I didn't love him.
    I did though. I did all along. I thought I was being selfless when I was really being selfish.I couldn't hear or feel the paramedics pull me off of him. I didn't know they loaded us both up into the ambulance. I didn't remember anything but crimson.

    I woke up in a hospital bed. A nurse came in immediately and asked how I felt. She urged me to lay down but I sat up anyways. "Where is Phil?"
    "He's in urgent care right now. The doctor said it is likely he will pull through but it is whatever fate decides."
    I got up. "Take me down there."
    She sat me back down on my bed. "NO TAKE ME DOWN THERE I NEED TO TELL HIM I LOVE HIM!"
    I pushed her back and fought for the door. A male nurse ran in and restrained me, stabbing a needle into my neck. I felt woozy as they put my back in bed. My eyes went black.

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