Chapter One - Set Course for Dathomir

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When the crew had left they'd never expected to go back. Seriously. Never ever go back. Which is quite probably why Hera insisted she went alone, much to Kanan's objection.

"I'll be fine love." She reassured him, loading her final supplies into the Phantom. "It's just a routine op."

"You shouldn't be going back, especially not on your own. Last time we were there the nightsisters almost killed us!" Kanan blocked her path, standing in front of the ladder used for climbing back down to the Ghost in order to gain the twi'lek woman's full attention.

"Well then, it's simple! I'll just make sure to avoid them." Hera smiled at her own sarcastic remark as she pushed past him, sliding effortlessly down the ladder.

"That's not how it works Hera." Kanan rolled his eyes, climbing down after her. He knew she was joking, but he also knew that this wasn't funny. He caught up to her in the cockpit, where she was programming hyperspace coordinates into one of the Ghost's large control panels.

"I'll be gone for less than two rotations, and as long as the Ghost stays on track I should easily be able to meet you all in the outer rim rendezvous like we discussed. I'll have the weapons before you know it." The twi'lek smiled sincerely. He was so cute when he worried like this, especially if it was about her.

"We already have enough weapons, is this mission really necessary?"

"They're not for us. They're for the rest of the fleet, so yes." She put her gloved hand on his shoulder. "Stop worrying dear. It'll be okay." She took a quick look around to see if any other members of her little rebellious crew were around. Upon seeing that the coast was clear, she kissed him goodbye.

She left him behind her as she walked on, and without even looking she knew he wore that silly grin. He always did, no matter how many times she kissed him. She made her way up into the pilot's seat of the Phantom and closed the hatch.

"Good luck." Kanan's voice came through the com system.

"Don't die." So did Ezra's.

"Blow something up. I don't mind what, but with the explosives you're taking it'll look amazing from above." Sabine's too, and Zeb and Chopper were definitely arguing in the background. Then Hera was gone. The Ghost kept on its steady course, while the smaller vessel with the pilot inside started on its own course to the dark and desolate planet of Dathomir.

When Hera arrived, the planet was in darkness. However, this was hardly surprising considering a large red star high above her was the only thing that illuminated it. There was an unsettling aura to the planet as well, something that threw her off her usual mindset. An unusual presence that made her want to climb directly back into the Phantom and fly home to the safety and comfort of Kanan and her family.

Yet something drew her in further. Something deep in the caves, visible from the small vessel's landing sight. At first she thought nothing of it, it was simply a thought in her mind. But the dark rises, and light comes to interfere. There is only one thing faster than the speed of life, and it isn't a starship or its pilot. No matter where light goes or how fast it travels, there will always be the darkness waiting to snuff it out.

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