8 months : Rooms..Babies..and Fears ( part 2)

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Note: hey y'all, the last couple of chapters and this one all have the weird " I️" glitch from the iPhone update.. I'm sorry, I'm unaware of them until the story has been published..

it would take for ever to fix it.. please bare with me, and just know that they all mean " I️" instead of that stupid ass glitch :/! Anyways please enjoy <33

" oh by the way, we're getting a baby in an hour or so " she said

" WHAT."  He said

He gave her the strangest look..

" are you having the baby right now? Are you in  labor?!?" He began to panic

" No.. no! I'm not in labor! I mean my friend from college is visiting! She has a baby, and she's coming over!" She said

" oh.. oh.." he breathed " thank Jesus"

She laughed " she'll be here any moment.." she kissed his cheek and left the room

" don't scare me like that woman!!" He yelled out following her

" I'm sorry.. me being calm should had been a dead give away.. I just don't waltz in here like ' my water broke woohoo'" she teased

" sorry I forget that I'm married to a jokester.. very funny" he said " haha.."

" oh cheer up baby, don't I always make you laugh?" She said

" you're incredibly corny, it's sad.. it's so sad that it's funny" he said

She pouted.
A little later their guests arrived

" Austin.." ally said taking his hand this is my Friend from college Nicole"

" Nicole this is Austin.."

" hey... it's so nice to finally meet you" he said holding out his hand

" holy handsome" Nicole said " I mean, I'm Nicole.. and this little guy is Nolan"

" hi Nolan oh my god he's so cute.. how old is he? Look at those chubby little cheeks!!" Ally said totally head over heels

The little baby smiled

" AWWW" The coupled awed

" let me have him" ally said taking the baby " he's so little"

" you don't realize how small these humans are.. he's like a tiny little doll" Austin said

" I'm glad you guys like my baby.. he's handful" Nicole said

They all sat down and the girls rekindled over pregnancy and babies then there was Austin who was bored out of his mind

" I know it hurts, but does it really really hurt? Or are the people in the movies exaggerating?" Ally asked

" they are, but yes it hurts.. A lot.. after birth sucks too.. not gonna lie, down there isn't gonna feel the greatest" Nicole said

The baby babbled as he played with the toy keys

" and then the baby is here, it's all amazing until you get home.. and you and your husband are at each others throats.. the baby is screaming nonstop for five months straight"

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