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As Nikki read the shocking letter, Chanel could scarcely believe the revelation that her mother, Claudia, had kept hidden from her all these years.

"Girl, your mother was a hoe," Nikki murmured, her voice laced with a mix of pity and bewilderment.

The letter bluntly stated that Chanel's paternity was uncertain, with Claudia having slept with not one, not two, but three different men - Shane McMahon, Mark Calaway, and Brock Lesnar.

It was a startling admission that turned Chanel's world upside down. "What?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief and confusion.

Nikki elaborated, explaining that Claudia simply did not know which of these three men was Chanel's biological father.

This was an earth-shattering development that would force Chanel to confront a complex web of uncertainty surrounding her own identity and origins.

Nikki suggested that the only way to unravel this mystery would be to travel to Claudia's hometown and directly approach these three men, requesting that they submit to DNA tests to determine Chanel's paternity.

At first, Chanel was skeptical, questioning how they would even begin to broach such a delicate and potentially uncomfortable subject with strangers.

"I don't think it will be that easy, Nikki," she said, anticipating the challenges they would face.

Chanel imagined the awkwardness and difficulty of walking up to these men - who were all established, successful figures in their own right - and bluntly informing them that they may be her father, based on her mother's sexual history. It seemed an almost insurmountable task.

However, Nikki remained undeterred, insisting that they had to at least attempt. "What could be so hard about it?" she asked, her confidence unwavering.

Chanel laid out the obvious complications, noting the sheer audacity required to approach these men and demand DNA tests, essentially accusing them of being an absent father.

"I don't know, maybe just walking up to three strangers and telling them that I need your DNA because my mom slept with all three of you and doesn't know who is my father," Chanel replied, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Still, Nikki persisted, arguing that they had to try, no matter how daunting the prospect.

Resigned to the challenge, Chanel reluctantly agreed, and the two friends set out on their quest, their first stop being the hometown of one of the potential fathers - Shane McMahon, in Miami, Florida.

As they approached the dimly lit bar where McMahon was rumored to frequent, Chanel couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation.

The crowd of patrons, adorned with tattoos and piercings, exuded an aura of danger that made her uneasy.

Amidst this imposing environment, Nikki confidently approached McMahon, who stood out in his clean-cut, affluent appearance, almost resembling a sugar daddy figure.

Nikki wasted no time, pulling out the DNA testing kit and handing it to McMahon, boldly stating their purpose.

McMahon's eyes widened as he processed the information, and after a moment of contemplation, he abruptly excused himself, disappearing behind a door at the back of the bar.

Chanel and Nikki exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of his sudden departure. "What do you think he's doing?" Chanel asked, to which Nikki cynically replied, "He's probably going to drink his life away."

As the minutes ticked by, Chanel grew increasingly anxious, her unease heightened by the unwavering gaze of the bar's other patrons, who seemed to be intently monitoring their every move.

Nikki, sensing the tension, urged Chanel that they should leave and seek out the other two potential fathers, Mark Calaway and Brock Lesnar, instead.

Just as they were about to depart, a burly, bald man approached them, roughly grabbing Chanel's arm in a tight grip.

Nikki immediately sprang into action, confronting the man and demanding that he release Chanel.

The situation rapidly escalated, with the man refusing to let go and Nikki prepared to physically retaliate.

Suddenly, the back door burst open, and a towering, imposing figure emerged, his deep, growling voice cutting through the din of the bar.

"Where is she?" the man bellowed, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Chanel and Nikki.

Chanel felt a chill run down her spine as she met the man's intense gaze, recognizing the unmistakable aura of danger that radiated from him.

As the crowd parted to allow the man's approach, Chanel's heart raced, and she struggled to free herself from the grip of the bald man.

Nikki stood her ground, ready to defend her friend, but the newcomer's presence was overwhelming.

Brock Lesnar, for it was he, studied Chanel's features intently, his eyes narrowing as he recognized the striking resemblance to her mother, Claudia.

Chanel held her breath, unsure of what to expect from this imposing figure who had suddenly entered the fray.

Lesnar's gaze was unwavering as he addressed the man holding Chanel, his voice a thunderous command. "Curtis, let her go."

The bald man immediately released his grip, and Lesnar turned his attention to Chanel, his piercing blue eyes seemingly looking into her very soul.

"What's your name?" he asked, his tone gruff but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Chanel mustered her courage and replied, "I'm Chanel, and this is my best friend, Nikki."

Lesnar's expression shifted, a realization dawning on him as he processed the information. "You said Claudia is your mother?" he asked, his eyes narrowing further.

Chanel nodded, sensing the weight of the moment.

Lesnar paused, his gaze unwavering, and then spoke the words that would forever change the course of Chanel's life. "Well, that makes me your father, then."

Chanel felt the ground shift beneath her feet as the gravity of Lesnar's revelation sank in.

The man who had once been a stranger now claimed to be her biological father, the missing piece to the puzzle of her identity.

Her head spun with a whirlwind of emotions - shock, disbelief, and a glimmer of hope that perhaps, after all these years, she would finally have the answers she had been seeking.

As Chanel and Nikki stood rooted to the spot, the bustling activity of the bar faded into the background, replaced by the deafening silence of this pivotal moment.

Chanel's eyes locked with Lesnar's, and in that instant, she saw a flicker of recognition, a connection that transcended the mere biological, bond forged through the shared blood that now coursed through their veins.

The revelation had shattered the foundation of her world, but it also presented the opportunity to uncover the truth and forge a relationship with the man who claimed to be her father.

With a deep breath, Chanel steeled herself, ready to embark on a journey that would undoubtedly be fraught with challenges, but one that promised to unlock the secrets of her past and shape the course of her future.

As she and Nikki exchanged a knowing glance, Chanel knew that whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, united in their quest to unravel the mystery of her origins.

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