Chapter 3

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Taylor drove off into the dark night sky and you nash and cam started walking. You kept walking and walking for what felt like hours. You were about to collapse once you guys reached the closest main road.

Cam: are you ok (y/n)?

You: uh.. Ya I'm fine, my legs just hurt.

(At this time nash was waving his hands and jumping, pleading for a taxi. , before cam could reply a taxi slid to where you guys were and you all got in. Cam sat in the passenger seat, you and nash in the back seats)

Cam: hi can you please drive us to the nearest motel or hotel around here?

Taxi driver: no problem, it's a dollar per mile

Cam: ok

The taxi driver drove for about 15 minutes and came to a stop in front of a old yet decent one nighter motel.

Cam: how much?

Taxi driver: 20 sir

Nash fiddled through his jeans for some loose change , so did I, at the end the three of us were able to pay, cam thanked the driver and we got out.

It was cold, correction, it was freezing. And to top it off I felt guilty, I had a knot in my stomach, my head hurt, my heart was being pulled at by two great guys, I felt a panic rise in me and then I knew that all these feelings made me feel sick. This is usually what I feel after I get in a car with them and taylor decides to do something wacko, I feel regret.

Nash opens the door for me and we enter the lobby to "brenner family motel"

We walk up to the check in counter and cameron starts talking. Cameron is usually the one to take control because he's the oldest.

Cam: hi do you have a room that can fit 3 people?

Clerk: we've got plenty.

Cam: what's the cheapest price for a room

Clerk: 100

Cam: oh , can u give us a second?

Clerk: of course

Cam turns to us and we walk away from the counter to have a money talk in privacy

Cam: he said the room is a 100

I got fed up , this whole night was just too long

You: ya I know, we have ears!

Nash lets out a chuckle

Cam makes a face that says "what's up with you" but he doesn't say anything

Cam: ok so, wait, (y/n) are you comfortable to share a room with us?

You: ya I'm fine

Cam: ok so should we take this room or what, I mean it's not like we brought a lot of money with us

You : well it's not like we have any other option

Nash: (y/n) is right

Cam: ok , sit on the couch I'll go pay

You and nash plop onto an empty sofa, finally you were relaxed

TBC(to be continued)

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