Chapter 4

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After cam pays for the room, the bell boy arrives and leads us to our room, we didn't have any luggages with us because this situation wasn't planned for so the whole check in process literally took about 10 seconds

Your POV (point of view):

We walked into the hotel room and got set up, there were two beds and a spare couch. Me and nash took the beds and and cam took the couch. Cameron was such a gentleman, that's what I loved about him, yet I loved how spontanious and crazy taylor was when he wasn't getting himself into trouble with the cops. Being Taylor's girlfriend was like riding one big roller coaster ride and well I was stupid to think that the ride would never come to an end. I really did miss taylor. Every day was an adventure and when he wasn't going buckwild he was actually the most caring and romantic person I knew. I really loved him and that was a fact. I felt safe in his arms. I could tell him anything. I always felt protected whenever I was with him, I never ever doubted him, well I guess things Changed. Despite that, I always knew he loved me back. I just hated how I had to keep such an amazing part of my life a secret from everyone. Well I knew he only wanted to hide our relationship in order to protect me. You see, taylor can make alot of stupid, foolish and illegal decisions sometimes and he thought that if people knew we were dating that when cops would ask the neighborhood for witnesses I would always be the first suspect on that list. We was only trying to protect me and my reputation. He wanted me to be safe and out of his trouble.

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