Not Again

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Hey guys! This is my first fan fiction so the writing may not be perfect. But please read because it seems like it'll be a great story!

🎼it's a Friday night, it's a small town girl, everything is right, and we rule the world,two twelves in the truck back beatin', bunch of rock stars on the river bank singing, ohohohohoh ohohohohoh oh🎼

I wish I could just sit here and listen to my alarm go off all day but I have to go be the new girl AGAIN. Why did we have to move back to LA anyways? Mississippi had nicer people and all my friends are there!

Once I finally decide to get up I make my bed and organize my pillows. I picked out the perfect outfit to wear so it doesn't look like I'm dressed up but it also doesn't look like I just rolled out of bed. After I fix my hair I hear my mom yell " Bryn honey come eat school starts in 25 minutes!" Of course it does.

By the time I get to school there's hardly anybody outside. Great late on the first day. I go into the office and get my schedule from the nice lady at the desk. I head to my locker on the 3rd floor remembering that there are 6 floors so I don't have it that bad. After I place my stuff in my locker I take my Science and Trigonometry text books and go to class. I walk into a small room with a lot of students and sit in the only open seat next to a red head."Hey" I hear the red head whisper. I turn towards her repeating "Hey" "First days always suck trust me I was in that position once" she tells me." Wow way to make me feel better" I answer back sarcastically. " I'm Naomi" "Bryn". "Quiet down class it's time to start our lesson."

During her 'lesson' I look around the room to see if I know anyone. Who am I kidding no one from my old school is talented they wouldn't be in a performing arts school. As I turn back to look at my teacher, I think her name is Mrs. Morn, I see a familiar face.

Oh my gosh what is he doing here especially in an arts school?!?!

"Naomi" I whisper hoping she can hear me. "What" she answers back. "Who is that kid in the black with the messy hair and lip ring?" I attempt to ask her. "Why do you think he's cute" she laughs. "No seriously who is he" I snap not trying to be rude. "This kid Luke he has a band with these three other freaks and they act like they're all that" yep Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. The same idiots who ruined my childhood. Only my luck they go to the same school as me and I have class with my least favorite one.

I haven't seen him since what happened and I don't want to mention it to him. I hope he doesn't recognize me. What if he felt bad. Haha gosh I'm funny sometimes there's no way he could possibly feel bad about anything. I mean he's Luke.

Luke's POV

"Who's the new girl?" Calum laughs next to me." Who knows she seems like a total dork" Mike jumps in. I turn to see her face and I see these beautiful brown eyes that I know I've seen before. As the boys are laughing I ask" Do we know her from somewhere she seems familiar?" "Dude she moved here from Mississippi, of course you don't know her!" Mike says with at 'duh' expression on his face.

"Wait we do know her Luke" Calum says slowly. "See" I look towards Mike. I take another glance at her and the name pops in my head. "Bryn!" They both laugh. "You mean the freak who got embarrassed 'cus she couldn't swim at eleven" Mike mocks her. I don't think it all that bad to not be able to swim at that age. It's not her fault that she didn't have anyone to teach her. And it's not like school has swim lessons.

I start thinking about what I did to her and how I treated her that day. Wow I was a jerk.


I walk over and sit down next to Ashton at the table. "Is your girlfriend coming" he says in a mock. "She's not my girlfriend Ash just my best friend" "Best friend that you like" he teases. "No!" I say my voice high pitched" "Whatever helps you sleep at night" he jokes.

I look to see if she's here yet and there she is standing next to her blue bike taking off her helmet. She whips her hair to get rid of the helmet mess. Wow she has really nice hair. Is Ashton right do I like her? I mean she's very pretty.

"Look who just got here" Calum laughs nudging Mikey. "She's not even wearing a bathing suit!" Mikey can be so mean. "SHUTUP SHE CANT SWIM!" I practically yell. They all just laugh. "I dare you to push her in." I'm ready to punch Calum. "But she's not wearing the right clothes she'll get soaked!" But it would be funny. "Do it or your out of the band." Woah now he's pushing it. "Guys you all know this band isn't going to workout." I half joke. But they all look at me with a serious face.

As she walks by I hear Calum whisper "Here's your chance." He smirks. When she looks the other way I push her in and she screams. Her arms are flailing and she's kicking her feet. All I can do is laugh. Even though I want to get in and help her I can't.

Bryn's POV

I look to see who all showed up to this dumb party. I feel someone push me and see Luke at the edge of the pool. As I'm falling in I push out a scream trying not to draw attention. The only way to float is to swim. But I can't so I just kick and move my arms. I start crying when I realize it's pointless.

I finally reach the shallow end and walk my way up the concrete stairs. I'm so embarrassed. I get on my bike as my tears run down my face. I hope no one can tell I'm crying from how wet I am.

I thought he was my best friend.

Ahhhhh so there it is chapter 1!!!!! Hope you like it!! Please comment and vote!!

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