Chapter 4

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"Which one?" I ask Naomi, holding up two tops. "The gray one, it's more casual and you can't look like you think of it as a date!" She is right. "Dammit!" I exclaim. "What's your problem!?" She says confused. "It's freakin 6:15!" I yell pointing at the alarm clock. "And?" She questions. "I have to be there at seven, which means I have to leave at 6:50 so I have to do my hair at 6:30 and find something to wear with this and get dressed by then!" I baffle.

I grab my car keys and run outside to my car.

I get here at 6:58. Perfect! And he's not here yet, even better. We ended up picking an old pizza place that's been here forever. I find a seat and go on twitter while I wait for Luke.

He gets here at 7:03, he's late. He sits down across from me.

"Your late." I say.

"I know, and?" He says rudely.

"Whatever, you're just waisting your own time." I say rolling my eyes.

"Hi I'm Jen, I'll be waiting on you for tonight. What would you like to drink?" Our waitress asks.

We both ordered coke.


"What?" I say looking up from my phone.

"We're here to talk remember. Not so you can just sit here and ignore me." Smart ass.

"Then talk!"

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't thinking. When I told Ash you couldn't swim he laughed and they all wanted me to push you in. I fought back saying you were gonna get wet. But that just made them want me to do it even more."

"PEER PRESSURE?!?! How could you be so low?!"

"I didn't mean it Bryn. I was caught up in the moment. I just wanted them to be impressed. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you did it anyway. It was me or them and you CHOSE THEM! You may feel bad now but then, you didn't care enough, you just let it happen!"

"But it's over with! It happened years ago! And your still pissed at me! Why?!"

"You did it for fun! You did it so your friends could laugh at me! Well great job Luke you really impressed them!" I said back and left.

I went straight to my room when I got home. I lie on my bed and turn on the TV. My phone starts going off. Luke. I'm just not gonna answer it there's no point of arguing with him. I'm tired and I don't think there's anything to resolve.

Every minute my phone goes off. I keep listening to voicemails from Luke. All the same thing 'Please answer I just want to explain myself, I'm really sorry Bryn.'

AN: Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in forever! It's summer and I get so distracted so easily! Hope you like it! Also please check out 'Disbelief' by harryscupofteax it's really good!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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