Chapter 2

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After that day I told my parents I would never go back to school unless we were in another state. So a week later we bought a house in Mississippi. Of course I met a lot of friends there but I've always loved California it's just perfect. But since we moved back to L.A there's still things in Mississippi I miss. I would get all my old friends back but I would leave all my new friends like Alexis. She had long brown hair and gorgeous eyes. I wish my real best friend came back with me.

If he notices who I am I'll get made fun of so I'll just try not to make eye contact. Awe his eyes are so pretty. STOP! What am I doing?!? I can't possibly think he's cute because he's not. Maybe just a little. NO EWE HE'S UGLY. Okay Bryn focus on science.

After an hour of boring the bell finally decides to ring. I walk out of the classroom not making eye contact. But feel someone staring at me. Oh gosh it's him. I turn to look and there he is staring at me with a huge grin on his face. Why is he smiling at me?

He walks over and asks "What's your next class?" Why should he care? "None of your business!" I answer in a rude way. "Well I could show u how to get there. " I don't think he recognizes me. "No thanks I think you've done enough. " I answer back trying to drop the hint. "No really I can help you this buildings huge no one can find their classes in four minutes. " He's trying to help why don't I just let him oh yeah because he's a jerk! "I think I can manage." I say snotty and walk away. Mean is fun! That's probably why he's like that.

After the school day ends I go to my car. It's an old time white Volkswagen Beetle. I love it. I dig in my purse for my keys and unlock my car. When I go to close the car door after getting in it doesn't shut. I look up to see who is holding my it open and of course Luke. "What do you want?" I want to punch him so hard right now. "Um I'm kinda hungry maybe we could get something to eat. " Wow he really doesn't recognize me. "Haha not with me, I don't associate with self centered jerks like you!" I exclaim. I slam the car door and drive off.

I get home and start my homework. How could he really think I would go out with him like we hardly even know each other anymore. My phone starts going off, it's probably my mom. 'Unknown'

Luke's POV

"Hello." I hear her voice through the phone.

"Hey it's me"

"Great!" She says sarcastically.

"We seriously need to talk"

"What's to talk about?"

"You know, what happened."

"I know what happened, you know what happened there's nothing to talk about."

"Yes but you don't know why."

"Ok so what."

"I need to clear things up because I know your still mad and I really don't want u to be."

"Fine we can talk."

"How's Friday at 7:00 we can get dinner."

"No dinner is too long I will come to your house on Friday at 7:00 and leave at 7:30 so you only have a half hour."

So there's chapter 2! Sorry it took forever to update I couldn't figure out how to add another chapter! Lol! But love you all! Keep reading!

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