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Elena POV

I was looking at a building that was smaller then all the others it was a small restaurant in front of me it was such a cute restaurant it was small but you could tell it was fancy inside

"Damon I can't go in there looking like this"i said as I looked down at myself

"Oh you look fine"damon said then kissed my cheek

"Says you look at what your wearing"i said as I looked at his black on black outfit

He was wearing a buttoned up shirt that was of course black and his black jeans as well and his nice biker boats even though he didn't have a bike

"I promise you look fine"damon said as we slowly walked inside

I just sighed as we walked in the place was so busy and seeing the people with their food in front of them it made my stomach growl with hunger

But of course everyone was all dressed up an I was wearing sweat pants I felt stupid.We walk up to the person the sits the costumers

"Bonjour"the man said from behind the small table

"Bonjour nous avons une table pour deux"Damon said in French which I think meant we have a table for two

"Ce nom"the man asked damon which I think meant what name

"Salvatore"damon said with a smile and then looked at me

"Droit de cette facon"the man said as he started to walk to our table

"When did you learn French"i asked quietly to him

"Way before you where born"damon said with a chuckle

"Voici"the man said as he stood beside a empty table

"Merci"damon said as we sat down at the table

The table was beside a window it was so nice out the sun was so bright not a cloud in the sky

Damon was siting in front of me and then the waiter gave us our menu's but all the words were French

"Damon I have no idea what this this says"i say as I look threw the menu

"How about I order for you then"damon said sweetly

"Thanks"i said as I put the menu down so I could look around the restaurant

I look at how fancy the place was and everyone had nice cloths on and then me wearing sweat pants this place must be a four star restaurant

"I can't believe you brought me to a four star restaurant when I was wearing sweats"I said with blush on my cheeks

"It's a five star restaurant but you were close"damon said with a smirk

I just shook my head at him and looked around as Damon looked outside the window

I turn around and see damon he looked still he was staring at a man just across the road the man was just staring at us

"Damon why's that man staring at us"i asked with confusion

"Elena we have to go it's not safe here"damon said as he stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the table

We started to walk out of the restaurant damon was walker fast it was hard to keep up with him.He opens the door and we walk out Damon stops for a moment and looked around and then started to walk again and crossed the street

"Damon what's wrong why won't you talk to me"i said with worry

Damon's hand went around to my back so my chest was tight against his back he was trying to keep me safe the man that was watching us was dangerous

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