Chapter 3 - Family

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~Oliver's POV~

The rest of my time at Piko's house was uneventful. Ryuuto had nothing to say to either of us since Fukase had been there, and Piko brushed off anything I said that was remotely serious.

The only one who ever really took me serious was Yohio. And...then again, I hadn't seen him in forever. He usually spent time with his girlfriend anyway.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I care or anything, but sometimes a brother should spend some time with his little brother too, yeah?

Well, whatever.

Thinking over what I had told Piko, there was that strange scene that happened when I was eating breakfast....

Name-calling...against protocol?

I snickered. What type of dumb excuse is that? Saying something like, "I'm doing it because I need to avenge my friend!" is much cooler than that stickler response.

Though, it seemed like I was the one saying it. Strange. I wouldn't ever say something that dumb....

Wait, is that a memory?

Yeah, no way. Whoever that kid is clearly isn't anywhere near here. If he was, I would've ran into him already.

I sighed, looking up to the clouds. The wall home always seemed longer than it did going to Piko's house.

That blond boy.... Just who is he?

The pain came rushing back. I cried out, and faltered where I stood, collapsing to the cement.

"G-god...damnit!" I hissed, before biting my tongue. There was blood—my vision blurred with the blue of the sky, the tan cement, and the red blood that covered it.

Then, there was only black.


Fingers intertwined with my own, and glancing up was that same blond boy. He smiled at me to something similar of a mother to their child.

"Oliver, I don't ever want to leave you...." His words were soft and sweet, and I could feel the beating of my heart pick up its pace.

What exactly does it feel like to love someone?

"Me either," I breathed out, feeling Len's hands tighten around my own. They were slightly larger, and warm.

It felt safe.

He was my safe haven.




Coughing, I sat up on the sidewalk, pushing up with my forearms. The taste of blood was stained inside my mouth as droplets of red were spit out onto the ground.

The boy...was that Len? It couldn't be anyone else.... The name was basically suffocating any other thoughts when those...'memories' showed up.

Len, Len, Len. That's all I could hear. It was like a million different voices screaming his name....

But who was he? That...scene looked strange.

I don't understand any of this....

When I finally got home, Kuro greeted me with the same words as always: "Welcome home, Ollie! Did you have fun?"

I only shrugged. "Uh, I guess." A sigh escaped my lips and that seemed to be what set her off.

"Hey, those kids aren't being mean to you, are they?" She finally turned around and then gasped. "Oliver! What are these?!" She ran over and grasped my arms rather harshly, which caused me to wince at the pain.

I pulled away. "Ow! Hey, stop!"

"Ah, sorry!" Kuro waved her hands quickly. "But seriously! They're hurting you now?! What's with these so-called friends of yours?!"

"It wasn't them!" I shouted, quickly lowering my voice after realizing that it had gotten out of hand. "It wasn't them...." I shook my head and turned away, heading to my room. "I just fell and Piko helped me clean myself up; it's really no big deal...."

Kuro furrowed her brow. She didn't seem to believe me, but I was already holed up in my room by then.

In all honesty, I wasn't even that worried about Fukase. Now that I knew the blond boy's name, reality had merged in a way with the memories I was receiving.

The name echoed throughout my head like it was trying to tell me something, though just a name wasn't any good for that.

I fell back on the bed, holding onto a pillow.

Where do I know this kid? Why is it only him? Don't I have a family...?

For some reason, my chest started aching.

I quickly shook the thoughts and then pressed the pillow onto my face. The groan I let out was muffled, thankfully, for I was almost certain that Kuro had decided to snoop on me.

I'm not some dirty teenager, mom.

By the time I had come out of my room, it was purely out of hunger. It was late, and there was no way I'd be able to function without dinner; I'd already skipped lunch, and that was enough.

I was a bit happier, though, since Tenchou comes home for dinner and I'd get to see him again. It sucks having a close friend work so early in the morning.

The door unlocked and I turned quickly, seeing my favorite idiot dad walk through.

"Tench!" I shouted, waving a hand.

"Ollie!" Tenchou grinned and headed over, draping his coat on a chair. "You hang out with Piko and them today?"

I stuck out my tongue. "Duh! Though I got hurt—fell down on the sidewalk on the way there." I grinned childishly, pulling at the gauze tape.

Tenchou crossed his arms. "What a clumsy kid," he muttered playfully, sighing. "Now, if only Hio came home then it'd really be a family dinner."

"I doubt it," I remarked. "He's probably busy getting it on with Maika." I rolled my eyes, to which I got a nudge from Tenchou.

He couldn't help smiling. "Don't talk like that about your brother, Ollie."

"You're smiling, Tench."

"I know."

Kuro rolled her eyes and turned around, setting the freshly cooked mackerel on the table. "Yeah, yeah, just hurry up and eat." She smirked. "It's more peaceful when your mouths are stuffed and not spitting random blabberings."

The two of us exchanged a glance and then burst out laughing before Tenchou cut up the fish in servings for all three of us.

Tonight seemed more lively than usual—I didn't really understand why.

But I didn't mind, either. It was fun like this.

It almost felt like we were a real family.

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