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Name: Akiko Chiaki

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Name: Akiko Chiaki

Nickname: Kiko or Aki

Personality: She is an understanding person but can be cold hearted.

Age: 17

Year: 7th year

Blood Status: Half-Blood

School: Mahoutokoro

House: None

Qudditch: Seeker

Robe Colour: Gold

Patronus: Fox

Wand: Cherry wood, Dragon heartstring, 12 and 1/2 inches, flexibility uncertain

Likes: Studies, Cherry Blossoms, Rainy days, milk

Dislikes: Exams canceled, Loud crowds

Backstory: Akiko is a quite student who always shows up in different parts of the school to find the perfect place to study, she doesn't have that much friends, she was a smart outcast. It made the other students thung why her robes are still not white because of her loneliness.

Pet: Turtle named Raphael

Crush: Open

Others: She is a part of the female Quidditch Elite team.

Others: She is a part of the female Quidditch Elite team

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Name: Crystal Mae Diggory

Nickname: Crys (Chris)

Personality: She is a very kind hearted person but has bad taste in love.

Age: 15

Year: 5th year

Blood Status: Pure-Blood

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Hufflepuff

Qudditch: Beater

Robe Colour: None

Patronus: White Mare

Wand: Sycamore wood, Pheonix Feather, 11 inches, surprisingly swishy flexibility

Likes: Animals/Creatures, Plants, Plushies, her friends and her crush, opps, and don't forget K-pop and anime.

Dislikes: Exams, No Quidditch, abuse and her crush

Backstory: Crys is your everyday Hufflepuff, but that doesn't mean she won't back up from a fight. She loves to go to class but just hates the exams. She really really need some guidance when it comes to love.

Pet: Black Cat named Loki

Crush: Draco Malfoy/Open (again she is a hopeless romantic)

Others: She is a part of the female Quidditch Elite team.

Others: She is a part of the female Quidditch Elite team

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Name: Viktora Monaliza Grace Love Vintina

Nickname: Vik, Mona, Liza, Grace, Love, Torie

Personality: She is weird and smart at the same time.

Age: 16

Year: 6th year

Blood Status: Pure-Blood

School: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

House: None

Qudditch: Chaser

Robe Colour: None

Patronus: Snake

Wand: Sycamore wood, Unicorn Hair, 9 and 3/4 inches, flexibility uncertain

Likes: Tea, Ice skating, dancing, singing and sports

Dislikes: Loud and selfish boys, snobby females

Backstory: Vik loves to do knew things, very reckless and has a weird way to talk just like Luna, who is her childhood friend despite her being three years older from the blonde. She lobes to talk a lot of non sense but who wouldn't.

Pet: White Cat named Elizabeth III

Crush: Viktor Krum

Others: She is a part of the female Quidditch Elite team.

Forms are next~

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