-ˏˋ admin! - zoe ˎˊ-

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untamedchaos-  ❞

❝ Love is powerful. It can bring the gods to their knees. ❞ 

14 year old| Tall girl| Ravenclaw|
Self-proclaimed people reader|
Greek Mythology obsessed| Gif Obsessed|
Certified Fangirl| Professional Procrastinator

^The word 'weird' sums it all up.


Olympian Goddess

Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation

I choose Aphrodite because love is the most powerful motivator in the world. It spurs mortals to greatness. Their noblest and bravest acts are done for love. Love can melt the iciest of people.

Aphrodite is about love and beauty. Being loving. Spreading beauty. Good friends. Good times. Good deeds.

I suppose I choose her because she's a bit like me, I like to believe in love as the most powerful weapon of all and I like spreading love. A world without love would be no world. Love isn't all about boys. You can love your family, you can love your friends, you can love anyone and that's the reality of it. Love pops up in the unlikeliest of places.

"Not knowing is half the fun," Aphrodite said, "Exquisitely painful isn't it? Not being sure who you love and who loves you?"


Favorite Ships

➳ Percabeth (duh)

➳ Solangelo


Favourite Percabeth Moments

When they were in Westover Hall and Annabeth told Percy to ask someone to dance with him and he was clueless and asked Annabeth who he should ask and she punched him in the gut and said, "Me, seaweed brain." (Titan's Curse)


When Annabeth finally got to Percy in the Roman camp and she literally jumped on him. I swear that moment made me all giddy. (The Mark Of Athena)


When Annabeth told Percy to let her go when they were falling into Tartarus but they had promised each other that they'd never leave the other again and Percy fell into Tartarus with her. (House Of Hades)


All Percabeth moments, actually.


My Works

Awake And Dreaming| Poetry
Fragments OF Us| Short Story
Raindrops Cover Shop| Random


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