-ˏˋ admin! - leah ˎˊ-

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❝ leahvaldezherondale

❝ I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour❞

16 year old | introvert | gryffindor | likes infinite bands | queen of procrastination™ | professional ya fangirl | nyctophilic |


Olympian God

【 Hermes ➳ 
god of travelers and thieves, 
roads and merchants, 
trade and sports,
messenger of the gods 】

I choose Hermes because well, who better than a god who invented the internet?

But on a serious note, being the messenger of gods, Hermes is quite empathetic towards demigods and mortals. He is quite the reasonable god with a bonus sense of humor. Hermes also cares a great deal about his children too, which is uncommon for gods. He knows that he must be there for his family in whatever ways he can.

"You can't give up on family, no matter how tempting they make it"


Favorite Ships

➳ solangelo
➳ percabeth


Favourite Percabeth Moments

When Percy and Annabeth reunited in The Mark of Athena. Yes, the judo flip.

When they united in the end of The Mark of Athena and Percy says "We're together now."

Everything in House of Hades.

When they fell asleep in the Argo II's stables.


My Works 

Tags and Random Stuff | Random
Shadowhunter Headcanons | Fanfiction

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