Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Grass, Fire, and Water

Viridian City-

The alarm clock had sounded, but Blue had decided to sleep in anyways. When she finally awoke, she hurriedly got dressed. She had no time to comb her long, brown hair (she was already late as it was). She had to wake up early to get to Pallet Town on time.

She picked up her pet Pokémon, Nidoran. Nidoran was a small, pale-blue rabbit-looking Pokémon about a foot tall. She walked on four legs, and had a poisonous horn on her head, as well as two whiskers on her cheeks. This was the family pet Pokémon, her mom had told her, she would not be leaving with Blue when she went to Pallet Town to see Professor Oak.

"Shh! don’t tell Mom," said Blue to Nidoran. Nidoran understood. She winked at Blue with one of her large eyes, and leapt into Blue's bag she had at her side. Nidoran poked her head out like a toy Chihuahua. "You know I couldn't leave you, after all we've been through."

Unlike Red, who was deemed a child prodigy in Trainer's school, or Green who was Oak's grandson, Blue was discovered in a rather unconventional way. She participated in alleyway and underground Pokémon battling rings. Though technically illegal, they were basically organized by a bunch of wannabe-trainers with weak Pokémon. Blue battled her way through the streets with Nidoran by her side and eventually earned quite the reputation.

One day, during a street battle, the authorities were notified and quickly apprehended Blue (the boy and his Pokémon she was battling of course got away, the coward). However, in a strange twist of fate Professor Oak happened to be in Viridian City ordering a custom Poke ball. He was walking by when the police had Blue and Nidoran. The Professor, being famous as he is, convinced the police to let her and her Pokémon go. Oak personally escorted her back to her house and, being famous as he is, received quite the welcome from her mother.

After talking it over at dinner, Oak extended an invitation to Blue to come to Pallet Town to become an official Pokémon trainer. Her mother was excited, but forbade Blue to bring Nidoran with her because, according to Blue's mother, Nidoran was bred to be a pet not for battling.

Nidoran was born to one of Blue's father's Pokémon. However, Blue's father left when she was very young, and her mother never talked about him. Nidoran had always been Blue's best friend.

And so it was now, with Blue running south towards Pallet Town and Professor Oak's lab, with Nidoran running alongside her. Suddenly, she heard her mother scream.

"Blue, get back here this INSTANT with Nidoran!" Blue just laughed. And Nidoran let out a little Pokémon chuckle.


Pallet Town: Professor Oak's Lab

Oak picked up the first Poke-ball on the table, and pressed the release button on the front of the ball. The ball opened, a flash of white light came out and materialized into a short greenish-blue Pokémon about a foot tall. It had spots on its head, and little claws on its feet. On its back was the bulb of a plant, it covered the entire backside.

"This is one of the Pokémon that I had ordered special," Oak said. "He is a Bulbasaur, a Grass and Poison type Pokémon. It is relatively mild mannered and easy to raise."

Red looked at it. Bulbasaur looked back. An interesting Pokémon…but…let's wait and see what else is next.

"Come on gramps, get to the good Pokémon!" exclaimed Green. Apparently, he was not impressed with Bulbasaur. Sensing rejection, Bulbasaur looked down in disappointment. Red couldn't help but feel sorry for the little Pokémon, and anger at Green for being so rude.

Not wanting to scold his grandson, and probably to keep the mood light, Oak moved on. He picked up the second Poke ball, and released its Pokémon. This Pokémon was bipedal, about three inches taller than Bulbasaur, and was reptilian in appearance. Its body was orange with a yellow belly. Its tail was tipped by a flame that burned softly.
"This is—" Oak wanted to explain but he was instantly interrupted by Green.

"Charmander! I want Charmander!" Green rushed over like it was the Oklahoma land run, and picked Charmander up. Charmander became nervous and the flame on its tail grew larger and set Green's pants on fire.

Oak panicked, though not as badly as Green, and quickly released the third and final Pokémon. A small, blue turtle-like Pokémon appeared and struck a pose, as if it was rehearsed. Oak rushed over to it showed it Greens burning pants and said "DO SOMETHING!" The Turtle Pokémon saluted Oak, rushed over and sprayed a little trickle of water through its mouth and on the fire. Green's pants now had a nice hole in them down by his left knee.

"This is Squirtle, a water type Pokémon," panted Oak, thoroughly relieved. Squirtle struck its pose again. Red looked at Bulbasaur, a little glimmer of hope in its eye. Then at Charmander who seemed to be ashamed at its self for burning his new trainer's favorite pants. Finally, Red looked at Squirtle again, their eyes locked with each other's, and instantly a connection was made. Red knew which Pokémon he wanted.

"I think Squirtle will do just fine!" said Red. Squirtle ran up to Red and jumped in his arms expecting a hug. Strangely, being no taller than Charmander, Squirtle and his shell weighed a lot, and knocked Red down, Squirtle laughed, and Red couldn't help but join in.

Bulbasaur looked up at the Professor. "Bulba," it said sadly then walked in the corner to lay down, saddened that it was not chosen.

Green looked at Squirtle and Red and said angrily "Well you think this is all fun and games don’t ‘cha? Let's see how you like a real Pokémon battle!"

"Green! We just had an open fire in the Lab and now you want to do battle? I'm not sure if that's the best idea!" Oak, obviously worn out didn't take lightly to the idea of a battle so suddenly.

"Don't worry, Professor," said Red. "I think Squirtle and I will show Green how it's done at my school."

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