Chapter Eight

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YOU should abandon them. They'd stay safe without you. You're just an extra person to worry about.

"What should I name him?" I asked, holding the silver pup as we walked. "I was thinking either Benedict or Remus,"
"Why not something more bada– cool, like Fang?" Biqaya questioned. I rolled my eyes.
"Benedict and Remus are cool! Benedict is after Benedict Cumberbatch, one of the greatest actors of all time! And Remus is after Remus Lupin, the werewolf in Harry Potter who's name is literally Werewolf McWerewolf, and the year and month he was born, there was a lunar eclipse. His Patronus is–"
"I didn't understand anything you just said," Biqaya interrupted. I shrugged.
"Whatever. He'll have two names. Remus Benedict has a nice ring to it. Isn't that right, Remus Benedict?"
  Remus Benedict licked my cheek in response.
  I've been kissed by God.


  "Guys, I'm hungry. It's dark. Can we stop?" Brody whined. I looked up and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess," I said, keeping a sleeping Remus Benedict in one arm while taking off my backpack. "Can someone lay out a blanket?"
"We don't know which bag has the blankets," Ester said, pulling off her animal sweater. "Just use this. It'll save time,"
Brody saw her take it off and his eyes widened a little. "My eyes are up here, hobknock," Ester rolled her eyes. Brody cleared his throat, blushing a little.
"I've just never seen you without your sweater on," he said awkwardly.
"Sure, Brodes," I grinned, before placing Remus Benedict on the sweater. "I'm in love," I whispered, standing.
"With who, Gabe or Remus?" Aries joked, walking past me.
"Remus Benedict, you uncultured swine,"

"Hey, guys," Jesse said, kneeling next to a lake. "Water,"
"No, that's lava, idiot," I joked, taking off my shoes. "I wanna swim. Anyone else?"
"He– heck yeah," Gabe said, taking off his shirt. Alrighty then.
"Sure, why not?" Ester shrugged, also taking off her shirt to reveal her white sports bra.
"Aye, sports bra buds," I said, pulling my shirt over my head. I tossed my shirt to the side and placed my ring down on it.
  Soon we were all in the water, splashing and laughing. Brody found a tall pile of rocks and kept jumping from it, into the water. After awhile, I decided to do it with him.
  "Just once, though," I said as we climbed up the rocks.
  "Trust me, after doing this, you'll wanna do it more than once," Brody laughed. "On three?"
  I nodded. "One, tw–"
  "THREE!" Brody yelled, pushing me and jumping.

  I plummeted into the cool water, my hair flowing upwards as I sunk deeper. I smiled to myself, feeling peaceful before pushing myself back up to the surface. "That was a blast!"
  "You're such a child. Nobody calls something a, 'blast' anymore," Brody chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
  "Nobody gets mad when people cuss anymore either, but look at me,"
  We all laughed and splashed for awhile, and soon we all huddled around a fire with towels wrapped around our shoulders. I was looking at the fire in a daze when I went to touch my ring, realizing it wasn't there. "I'll be right back," I said, standing and going to the pole with my clothes. I rummaged for my ring, but couldn't find it.
  Panic rose in my chest and I shook out my clothes more violently than necessary, praying that I just missed it.

  I didn't.

  "Uh, guys?" I called out over my shoulder, still looking around. "I can't find my ring,"
  "What?" Brody questioned behind me, standing and walking towards me. "Where's you put it?" He asked, kneeling down.
  "Right here!" I said in a panicked voice. "I need that ring,"
  "I know, I know," Brody mumbled, looking around. "Have you guys seen her brother's baby ring?"
  "Anthony's? I didn't think he had one," Gabe said. I shook my head.
  "No, not Anthony's. Anthony lost his as a kindergartener. I'm talking about Timothy's," I said, resorting to looking through the grass.
  "Does it really matter that much? It's just your brother's stupid ring," Ester said. I shook my head once again.
  "No, it's not. It's the only thing of his that I have," my voice cracked and I blinked back tears.

  We looked hurriedly for about half an hour, but to no avail. It was gone. I yanked at the grass angrily and hugged my knees to my chest, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "Dang it," I grumbled under my breath, trying my hardest not to cry.
  A shoulder touched mine. "We're gonna find it," Gabe's voice said. I laughed a little, opening my eyes.
  "Did Brody put you up to this?" I questioned. He shook his head.
  "He told me not to, actually. Said you needed some alone time," Gabe shrugged. "I guess... I thought this would help. Put out your hand,"
  I gave him a look and put out my hand. "Wow, real helpful there, Gabe. You taught me how to use my hand,"
  He rolled his eyes, muttering, "Shut up," whilst taking a silver ring I've never noticed off his finger and putting it in my palm. "Until we find it, you can use that as a substitute. Okay?"
  I smiled a little, shaking my head. "Maybe you are an angel,"
  "Doubt it,"
  I put it on my thumb, the only finger where it fit. "Thank you," I said, before standing and heading to the tent.
  "Ew, she's smiling," Ester said. I rolled my eyes and sat on my sleeping bag, careful not to wake up Remus Benedict.
  "Shut up, Ester," I said, though my tone wasn't mad.
  "Where'd you find that?" Aries asked, seeing the ring. I fiddled with it and shrugged.
  "It's Gabe's. He's letting me borrow it until we find Timothy's, as a substitute," I stated. "This whole friendship thing is pretty nice, huh?"
  "Oh my god, you're an idiot," Ester groaned. Aries laughed and I shrugged again.
  "I know,"

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