This Blackrock Story Must Carry Her On

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A/N This is a fanfic about Zoey and Rythian I hope you like it.

Rythian had been in his magic room working on a new potion when he heard something coming from the bedroom, something beautiful. He put his quill down and went to investigate.

He found Zoey there, on the bed, singing to a baby volcano plushie. Rythian stood there watching for a while, smiling. He then walked over to the bed and put his arm around her. "Are you thinking about Baby Jim?" He said.

She replied with a nod. "Do you want to go and visit him?" He asked knowing it was only a volcano, but visiting "Baby Jim" would make her happy. Teep was going to stay home and protect the castle, but the real reason he stayed was so that they could be alone.

Rythian had told Teep that he loved Zoey but he has yet to tell her. So the two of them set out on an adventure to see their "Baby" volcano.

When they got to Baby Jim, Zoey started to hum the melody to the volcano. It was getting dark so Zoey read Baby Jim a bedtime story and said "Good night." Rythian started walking away when Zoey nudged him to say goodnight, too. He said "Goodnight" just to make her happy and then left.

When they got to the castle, Zoey went to bed. But Rythian had something else to do. He had studied the melody that Zoey was singing and was going to play it on a guitar.

He made a guitar using the magic of music and began to practice. It was very loud so he went down to the lake where they first met, where he found a reason to live other than revenge.

While Rythian was strumming the guitar he heard a cry from the castle. He hurried back to find Zoey searching the castle for him. He touched her shoulder and she glanced over to him.

"Lets go to sleep," he said.

He led her up the stairs and tucked her in. "Can we sleep closer together just for this night," Zoey asked. Rythian replied with a "Fine," and got into the bed next to her. When she was sleeping Rythian put his arm around her and whispered "I will always be here to protect you, because... I-I love you," and drifted of to sleep.

In the morning, while Zoey was making breakfast, Rythian walked outside with his guitar but kept hidden. He was close enough to Blackrock to see her so he practiced the tune again, and again, and again.

During the afternoon he mastered the song and Zoey was out tending to the farm. "Did you have lunch yet," Rythian asked, he wanted to have a picnic with her by the lake. "No," she said while focusing on the sugar cane.

"D-do you want t-to go on a-a p-picn-nic," he asked faltering all throughout the simple sentence. "Um, sure!" Zoey said.

She went to the kitchen to get packed and Rythian hid his guitar behind a tree near the lake. "Where is the picnic going to be," she called from the kitchen. "Just follow me and you will find out," he replied.

When Zoey finished making the food and getting the right blanket she followed Rythian to the lake. "Do you remember Rythian," she asked "we started Tekkit together here." "Yes I remember," he exclaimed.

The two of them ate and when they finished Rythian said "I'll be right back," and got the guitar. "Ryhtian, I didn't know you could play guitar!," Zoey said very excitedly. "I've been playing my whole life," he said not wanting her to know how much he wanted to make her happy.

He began to strum the melody that she had been humming everyday. She began to sing the lyrics from "Our Blackrock Story Carries On" but before the explosion. Rythian loved her singing but what bomb, why is she leaving, I wont ever leave her again. That night he was up thinking how she knew all of this, did Zoey have magic inside of her, could she predict the future?

A/NEnd of Chapter One, follow if you want this Blackrock Story to carry on. I wrote this at 9:00 at night so I hope there are no errors, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Btw I wrote this a while ago so no POVs yet. ~ Mikaylee (My real name)

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