Chapter 2: Forgot to Put Chapter 1 on Chapter 1

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A/N So yeah Chapter 2.

~ Zoey's Journal ~

I haven't told Rythian about my powers yet. I will be sure to tell him soon just to make sure when the...

nuke... explodes he will be sure that everything will be ok. I have a feeling that the power is getting stronger. When I was a kid I had dreams of people dying and it REALLY FREAKED ME OUT! A couple weeks later the people would die. My vision of my future after the nuke... explodes is very... blurry I'm not quite sure what will happen to me, or Rythian, or Tee...

Well I guess for now I will have to live in the present for now. Something I haven't done in a very long time.

Rythian kept thinking in his head, "Where did she hear this song" and "What is this 'nuke' she keeps bringing up".

Zoey had just finished singing and had the urge to run away, but the Rythian grabbed her arm. "Zoey, it's ok, we can talk about this." He said in a calm voice "Is this based off of your nightmares?" Zoey said "I just need to calm down let me go so I can, don't worry, I will come back." He then let her go, "I'm just afraid that whenever you leave... you wont ever come back."

Zoey started to fly away slowly, looking back knowing what she had to do, she had to go to Duncan.

She flew to the castle all that was on her mind was "I have to trick him into giving me the remote." Zoey knew the scientist had always liked her, but today she had to like him back. She knew that if Rythian flew in at the wrong moment it would crush him.

Duncan's castle was towering above her, she was about to knock when the door opened. "Hi Duncan," she said trying to be happy "umm so, I was wondering, do you, could you... possibly let me stay here for the night?"

Duncan said, with a smirk he was trying to hide "Why?" Zoey had to sound desperate so she started to cry and said "Because Rythian kicked me out for loving science, I had to come to someone I really trusted!"

She ran over and hugged him, and he hugged her back. He had felt what it was like to get rejected for being different.

His old family loved magic, but Duncan absolutely hated it! He would make machines and paint them with sparkles so they would look magical. His younger brother was his parents favorite child, and they admitted it. His brother felt bad for him so he would try to cheer him up with fireworks and potions, but these things made him mad.

One day his brother tried to make something using science. He had made a bionic leg for his pet hamster. Lets just say he will never trust science ever again especially when using it with a loved one. Duncan made a robot hamster for his little brother, he did not except the gift.

Instead he turned his room into a portal to the END. Duncan then ran away from home, so did his little brother. His brother was to grow up in the END, Duncan grew up with a boy named Sjin, but they moved apart and had a little war. You might be wondering, "Who is Duncan's little brother?" well he... is Rythian.

A/N End of chapter 2 Im so happy with how many people supported the first chapter, even though it is only 12 (on instagram) I don't care! Still no POVs i wrote this one a while ago too.

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