Hes Home

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edit: this imagine was my first so please don't judge that all the other imagines will be as bad because i promise they're better than this one!!

It's midnight and you're sleeping alone in you and your boyfriends bed. Your boyfriend, thomas, is currently in america filming for his newest movie. He's been gone for over a month and you miss him a lot but he is coming home tomorrow.

You wake up to the sound of the elevator. You assume that it's the people who live upstairs and don't think anything of it. Until you hear the apartment door open. You get scared and decide that your bedsheets are a good places to hide. You hear the burglar come closer to your room until they suddenly stop.

"Y/n?" Thomas says with a chuckle pulling the bedsheets from over your head.

"OH MY GOD THOMAS YOU SCARED THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME!" he simply giggles in reply. suddenly it hits you that thomas is home and your mood quickly changes from terrified to happy

"oh my god! thomas! you're home! you're back!" you squeal and jump into his arms

"im back, love." thomas smiles and kisses you, you kiss back smiling into the kiss.

"i missed you so much!" you say breaking the kiss.

"i know babe, i missed you too." you smile and give him a few pecks.

sorry i know this ones bad but they'll get better:)

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now