Abort mission (part 3)

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You decide that the sooner Thomas and your son meet the better. You don't have Thomas' number anymore but you do still have some mutual friends number.

You click on the first one you see and give it a ring.

No answer. You try the next one.

After a few rings she picks up.

"Hey Kaya, i dont know if you remember me. It's y/n. Thomas' um ex." you say awkwardly. Dammit i should've planned what i was going to say it would've have been this weird.

"oh y/n! hi!" she says surprised.

"yeh hi. i was wondering if you could give me Thomas' number. It's really important and well i don't have it anymore."

"oh...yeh yeh sure i'll forward it to you."

You thank her then hang up. Minutes later you receive a text with his number on it.

You hover over the number for ages. Not knowing whether you should do this or not.You remind yourself why you're doing it. It's for my son. Our son. Without giving yourself enough time to think about it again you click on the number. You hear it ringing. At this point you're really nervous.

"Hello?" Holy shit. His accent is still so amazing.

"Hello?" he repeats.

shit y/n say something.

"Thomas?" of course you know it's him but you had nothing else to say.

"um yeh? who is this?" you can tell how confused he is.

"Thomas it's me, y/n" you say. You're scared. What if he hangs up now. What if he tells you to go away.

You hear him mumble a 'holy shit' under his breath

"Look, Thomas i know that you probably don't want to speak to me but please, please , please meet me at the cafe tomorrow at 11." you beg. Your son wants this. You have to at least try your best.

"um sure i'll see you there." and with that he hangs up.

-at the cafe-

it's 11:20 hes not shown up yet. Is he not going to come? Does he not want to see me even though it's been all these years?

Suddenly you hear the little ding on the door indicating someone's walked in. You turn to see if it's Thomas. It isn't. You decide you're going to wait another 10 minutes and if he's still not here, there's nothing you can do.

At 11:25 he shows up. Finally.

"sorry i'm late. traffic." he explains as he sits opposite you.

"it's fine." at least he showed up.

"so...what exactly was it you wanted to talk about?" He says, understandably, i mean, you haven't seen each other in almost 7 years.

"Thomas please listen to everything i say before you make up your mind. Just listen." you warn him that you don't want him to leave

He nods his head.

"Ok, thank you. You and I both know the reason we split up. You may not reme-"

"I remember" he cuts you off.

"Oh ok, good, good. Well you know that i was going to raise this child no matter what conditions-"

he cuts you off again

"You actually had the baby? You didn't put it to an adoption centre or something." He says shocked

"No Thomas, i didn't put it 'to an adoption centre or something'" you say, slightly annoyed but not letting it get to you

"Anyways, I had our son. He's been living happily with me the last 6 years and i have every intention of keeping it that way. Until yesterday when he asked me about his father. He wants to meet you. Of course it's a lot to ask, but please, spare him a minute of your time so he at least knows who you are. If you don't want to i'll totally understand and i kn-"

You get cut off for the third time by Thomas. "I want to meet him. I really want to meet him. I knew that walking out on you was a mistake. That i shouldn't have done it. Fuck, y/n , not a days gone by that i haven't thought about you. The chances that maybe you did raise him. I left you. I made you do that alone. I missed 6 years of his life. I won't miss anymore." He looks you straight in the eye while he's saying it

"What's his name?" He asks


i'm gonna have one of them "years later" things to finish this off. I know how it's gonna end so the next one will be the last one.

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now