Chapter 1

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"Wake up Lilith, you'll be late for class!" my mother called out as loud as she possibly could, turning the lights on in my room at the same time. She knew all too well that I could hear loud and clear, and despite that fact she continued to holler and open up the curtains draping my windows. 

The sunlight proceeded to pour into my room, glistening off my dresser mirror, blinding me. I pulled my comforter over me, rolling myself up into a human burrito. 

"Five more minutes Mom," I told her, my voice muffled and nearly inaudible. 

"Rise and shine kid!" she said, removing my protective shield. 

"What a waste I thought," I thought as I squinted at her.  
I threw the covers to the side, dragging myself out of bed. It was only 9 a.m. My mother was early as usual. There was still another hour and a half until I had to be out the door.

"Might as well get this over with." I sighed, reluctantly heading to the bathroom. Opening the door, I stepped in, meeting my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't say that there was much "human" left in me. Empty eyes stared back at me. And there it was, at the base of my neck. Unconsciously my fingers traced it. It still seemed so fresh, and yet, it had been so long since it happened. The scar. Another story. I looked away. It was unbearable. 

I averted my attention to stripping out of my pale pink pajamas, tiny apples scattered all over them. Another mistake. More scars revealed themselves. More stories dying to be told. And there, going across from the left side of my hip, over my belly button, coming to an end beneath my right breast, was my most prized possession. The biggest scar of them all.

That's when it happened. My vision went black and memories came flooding back.
"This can't be happening."
My lungs refused to provide me with oxygen, "Snap out of it!" I slammed the door of the medicine cabinet closed, coming back to my reality and avoiding the horrid reflection that's stood there mocking me. This was becoming a morning ritual, and yet, I still wasn't used to it.
I stepped into the shower, turning up the heat completely, letting the hot water scorch my back in hopes of forgetting every memory i had of those incidents.

By the time I had finished scrubbing the memories off my skin, an half an hour had gone by. "I don't have time for this," I sighed, stepping out of the shower, a towel wrapped around me. Avoiding my bathroom mirror at all costs, I got dressed. 

I pulled on my skinny black trousers, which came up slightly over my ankles, topped off with a simple white, v-necked collared blouse, which covered just enough my neck, and yet looked very classy. I wore my black flats on my small feet. I let my shoulder length hair fall freely, framing my round face. I was always on the chubbier side. Short and chubby. 5'2 was not really that great of a height, but it looks great when your curved in all the right places. A little chunkiness doesn't hurt either. 

I sweeped on a thin black line on my eyes, a little bit of mascara, and a nude, matte lip creme. Beautiful, yet natural. Not too much make up to look cakey, and not too little too look like I just walked out of a casket. 

"Ohhh, classy," my mom was standing in the doorframe, smiling. I was a spitting image of her minus the fine lines that had started to show up recently.

I gave her a small smile, in attempts to make her believe I didn't have one of my episodes this morning. I grabbed my purse, hoping that it had all it contents, and slung it over my shoulder. I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. She was tiny. At least for me. 5'1 is tiny isn't it? I mean, I AM taller, aren't I?

"Don't worry about me so much, I'll be-"

She pulled me into a tighter hug before I could finish, relaxing my stiff, tense muscles. 

"Who said I was worrying about you?" She laughed. "I know my little girl."

"I'm not little. I'm 23 Mom, for goodness sake," I frowned. 

"You're still my 2 year old Lilith love," she smiled, pecking my cheek. 

I gave her a soft smile, making my way to the small kitchenette in our apartment. She had made my favorite strawberry banana french toast, which I proceeded to drown in syrup before indulging and savoring the sweet diabetic dish. 

"This is heaven, Mom," I moaned, mid chew. 

"Eat first, talk later. You're going to be late. It's 9:45 already," she chuckled. 

"I still have 15 minutes," I scoffed. "Please let me enjoy my plate of diabetes in peace."

                                                                     * * *

I may have taken a bit too long to enjoy my breakfast. I managed to leave home at 10:10 a.m. rather than 10:00 a.m. leaving my mother laughing at my ineptitude of being punctual. It's not my fault her food is amazing. I couldn't wait to come home for lunch, was all I could think of as I walked to the bus stop. It would take me a solid 25 minutes to get to Windsor University, which wasn't such a bad commute on my part. Class started at 10:30 a.m. so I still had some time. Hopefully, the bus will come on time and I won't have to suffer from the embarrassment of being late, AGAIN. 

I was so lost in my thoughts of NOT missing the bus, that I nearly missed it. This was ridiculous. It had come on time miraculously, and I was about to lose it. 

Just as the door of the bus were about to close, I hobbled in. The bus was packed, as usual. "Just a couple of stops," I comforted myself. Too many people just meant that I would suffocate, which was the last thing I needed right now. 

I patiently waited to get to stop, and once I was there I made a run for it. It was 10:40 a.m. which meant that I still had 5 minutes for the 15 minute rule. "I can still make it," I thought. Today is the third time I've been late to Calculus in a row. Considering that it was only Wednesday, this was sad, on my part. I really need to stop doing this to myself. "Professor Gutenberg is going to end me," I thought, as I pulled out my notebook from my purse and a pen, winding through the hallways and turning corners to get to class. That was until I was forced to an abrupt stop as I walked into something hard and fell to the floor. All my books and my purse were sprawled everywhere.

"Just beautiful," I muttered under my breath. Without bothering to look up while I collected my belongings, I mumbled an apology to whatever it was that was causing an obstruction to my path to class.

I heard soft chuckling as a pair of hands came out in front of me, gathering my things faster than I could have myself. But that's not what set me off. It was one them. That species. My mind went blank. I couldn't think of anything except to get away from him as soon as possible. I couldn't be anywhere near his presence. I grabbed my things, and without looking back, I ran down the hall, straight to Calculus. 

"Wait! You-," he called out. But I didn't wait to listen to what he had to say.

                                                            * * *

Hey Guys! I literally rewrote the chapter and changed some things up. Since this was a story I started years ago, I felt that I need to spice some things up and make it a bit more bearable. Haha. 

Please do leave me comments and critiques so that I can know what you guys want to read, what changes I could make, and how I can make my work better. 

Also, please leave a star if you think the chapter deserved it!

Next chapter coming very soon!

Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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