8: non-stop

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Before you guys go off at me, I might have got some stuff wrong in this chapter and the 7th. Why? Because it took one day to finish the whole series and I haven't watched it again since because I'm still upset about how they ended it. So if you know for sure that I got something wrong in here, please comment and tell me so I'll change it and not look like a complete idiot. Well, more of an idiot than I am now, but still. Thanks!


We must've listened to that same song 100 times before we came to a stop at a diner.

The person who owned the car should have more than 1 song.

We went inside, I ordered some fries and James had some chips.

We got bored and left, there stood a big house.

Like a mansion from a rich man.

James tried to open the door: LOCKED

A brick was near the house, I picked it up and positioned it.

"A-Alyssa," he called. "Are you seriously gonna break it open?"

"What do you think?" I chucked the brick at the door and it slung open.

We walked inside. "Bingo!" I yelled, pointing at a shelf of wine.

I got a vodka and turned on a radio.

I drunk some and gave it to James, he didn't know what to do with it until he drank some.

People were shy to dance in public but that really didn't matter to me.

I brung James up to dance with me, then I stopped.

I gave him a kiss.

He kissed me back.

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