Chapter 29

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The last thing I saw was Marcus walking towards me before everything blacked out. Images went on in my head about the happy times I had with my mom. To see her face again I would be the happiest girl in the world. Of course I probably wouldn't have known any of this but I would be happy. What if my father was alive? Would we be one happy family? Of course we would be and living in Deadwood. My parents would be happily married living in a two story house or mansion whatever floats my father's boat. I would have grew up in Deadwood and knew what was going on. My dad would be here being a prince and getting ready to take on the responsible of being a king and I would have still been a princess but the difference would be all of this now wouldn't have been overwhelming like it is now. Would I still have the friends I have now. Would either of this would have happened? Probably not. So now here I am knocked out and dreaming about the what if's.

I've been asleep for a while now but I would like to stay asleep. I really don't want to face the music that's going on around me. I know that I'm with him. I wonder if my friends are telling my grandfather right now. Is he upset that I didn't come to him sooner like uncle Michael told me too? What would uncle Michael would have said if he knew what happened? I hope I would be able to see him when this is over. Why do I feel someone touching my head? I bet it's Marcus. I hate him, he did all of this. I could tell we were moving which means that we were in a car. I wonder where we were going. Are we still in Deadwood? At this point I didn't want to wake up but I need to so that I can communicate with my friends to tell them where I am if I'm able too. Finally the car stopped and I heard the car door open and close. A few minutes later I felt a small breeze enter the car on my side which means my side of the car was opened. I felt my body being picked up. I felt myself being carried. There was a slight movement of my body then a door opened and I was being carried away again. I felt marcus put me down on something soft then a door closed and I heard nothing but silence. It was quiet where ever I was. Hopefully Marcus stays gone for a bit longer but that's probably not going to happen. What did Marcus knocked us out with? I hope my friends are ok. I know I was the last one standing or was it Nathaniel? I don't know but I need to get up soon. I tried to move my limbs but I couldn't feel anything. Even if I did want to wake up I couldn't. What is Marcus's plan for me? He better not try anything. Is he going to hold me hostage until I become of age and marry me? That would be gross. He would be old by then. Oh wait we don't age or do we just age slowly? Which one was it? I wonder if I could make a connection to someone. I haven't fully worked on the instinct of my ability. I tried to concentrate and let my mind drift to someone. Maybe I should try my uncle. I concentrated on my uncle. I let my mind drift towards him so I could talk to him. I focused my attention on him trying to make contact but it wasn't working. Oh come on don't quit on me now.

A few hours later or at least I think it's been a few hours I gave up. At some point I exhausted myself out. I wonder how, when I've been asleep all this time. On instinct I moved my leg and it moved. Yes! I can move. I started moving my limbs. My body started to wake itself up. Soon my eyes began to open. At first I thought my eyes were still close because it was dark but my eyes started to adjust and I started to see. I quickly sat up. I looked around to notice that I was in a room that looked like it belong in a log cabin. What am I doing in a cabin? I hope this is not like the movie The Cabin in The Woods. I went to the window to open it but it wouldn't budge. Well that's just great, the window is stuck.I tucked a few loose strands of hair behind my ear when I felt something in my ear. I took it out and use the light of the moon to see what it was. This is a listening device that Emily gave me. I turned it on and put it back in my ear.

"Emily, Emily can you hear me?" I said.

"Gabriella." I heard her say but nothing else, until.

"Gabriella can you hear me?" Emily said. Yes I can hear her now.

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