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"The hell are you on about"  Lindsay shook her head.
"I love him I honestly do but I'm not sure anymore, I'm so tired of hiding" Aimee wrapped around the back of Lindsay chair pulling the girl towards her. "So fucking tired of hiding" Lindsay cuddled into her best friends neck.
"I know you love him, he isn't the first guy or girl actually you've been with, I've never seen you light up so much around each other" Lindsay nodded.
"I just feel like we are slowly drifting apart, and it's terrifying and gut wrenching, I know there's something there but we have no time feels off" Aimee cradled her crying friend. Lindsay had never been so torn over a guy. The last two was decided, one cheated he was gone super quick, the other was a misogynistic pig who Aimee gladly slapped. She was actually in love with Will. And it was failing.
"I've got to finish some stuff up for work" Lindsay quickly wiped her eyes, fixed her shirt and sat up looking at the laptop.
"You sure, can take some time off, we could go watch a mov-"
"I'm good I swear, I'm being over dramatic, things are great between the two of us. I love him!" Only the ending was right.

Aimee stepped out deciding Lindsay would just get frustrated if she stayed. Her boyfriend was meant to come over tonight, she'll have to cancel. No way was she going to put Lindsay through that. A quick text cancelling, saying Lindsay needed her. She looked back to her friend eyes still on the laptop she had yet to turn on. She's worse than I thought! What am I suppose to do, go wring Will's neck, make food, ignore it let them sort it out? Cry? She slowly went upstairs, went to her room and leaned against the door and cried. The pain of seeing her friend in such a position she could feel the hurt radiating in her chest now too. Not them, they were suppose to make it...

*sorry for the short chapter! Needed for the story...also got my first vote last night, that honestly means a lot. This isn't my first book but first one I have a true passion for. TBH think my others were better. So thanking you for the vote means a lot!!!*

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