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30 minutes later and the pair was now at the towers. Josh gave his keys to the valet. Walking the pair into the lobby.
"It's a bad idea Josh, he won't want to see me, I look like an absolute wreck" Josh turned to his cousin, laughing at her comments.
"You must have lost your mind if you think he doesn't want you back. He's in love with you, as much as you are in love with him. Kiss and makeup, tell Gee all the girly details." Lindsay shook her head but stood in the elevator. As much as she knew this would go wrong, and was near certain she would make it worse..she went anyway deciding she could at least say she tried. Josh was eagerly pressing the elevator button still, it wouldn't help, she could tell him but then he'd do it more in spite. The doors finally opened with Simon and Josh Z inside.
"Oh hey I haven't seen you in a bit how are you?" Simon hugged Lindsay. She nodded saying she was doing alright before Josh interrupted.
"She's actually doing quite shite, her and will have been dating for the last 6 months, they broke up because they were hiding it from me and Gee and I'm forcing her to go talk to him." Lindsay turned to him flabbergasted, both of the boys eyes huge.
"Well I hope things go well-" Simon began before Lindsay was again being tugged out of the lift and down the hall. She yelled a thank you hoping they'd catch it. Josh knocked on the door of Will apartment, Lindsay nerves now huge and she's considering bolting.
"Hi babe-Lindsay" Gee stuttered opening the door wider.
"Meet the girl" Gee quickly clued in pushing Lindsay to the door at the end of the hallway.
"Good luck" Lindsay stood at the door hand on the knob but she couldn't bring herself to turn it yet. She just remembered when she closed it last. Slowly she turned the knob, her heart dropped to her stomach swinging like those dumb things in clocks. He just laid there blanket to his chin staring at his phone but nothing moving across the screen. He slowly turned towards her ready to tell Gee he wasn't hungry again.They made eye contact he stood slowly not quite trusting what he was seeing.
"Love" Lindsay nodded going to take a step forward before Will took three and pulled her into him. Normally she would feel like kissing him, and as much as she wanted to she was truly treasuring the feeling of him again, his presence wether they were meant to be together or not she wasn't sure. But at this point she'd give anything for him to just be back in his life again.
"I missed you so much" She nodded tears down her face.
"I missed you more Hun" She spoke softly afraid of what was yet to come. He lifted her chin kissing her. And she kissed back. Both clinging to each. Thank god Josh had a cousin.

*The end!! Thank you to absolutely everyone who read this book. And an extra huge thank you to everyone who voted for it! This is the first book I've finished but I see another coming soon....feel free to follow me for that one! Thanks for all the love and support! Signing off Lindsay!*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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