Chapter 5 - StumpEd

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Hey guys! Just wanted to tell y'all that this chapter is gonna be a little shorter than the rest, but it's got some juicy and interesting stuff  so I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for your patience! ❤

(PS: That's a drawing of Kevin I made a couple of months ago. ^^^)


Once Edd was out of the cafeteria, he looked down both ends of the hall but couldn't spot Kevin. Which way could he have gone? Double D quickly thought of all the places he could have gone in his head. The restroom? No, sounds like something I would do, Kevin isn't the type to express his sorrow in a bathroom stall. Could he have gone home? If he had, he is probably gone by now... come on Eddward think! Edd paused for a moment. The football field! Of course! That would be the only logical location he would retreat to!

Double D turned left and ran down the hallway to two large hollow metal doors and pushed one of them open, he stumbled out into the daylight and swiftly walked across the school's property to the football stadium. He walked past the ticket booth and through the entrance to the stadium, he then put a hand above his head to shield his eyes from the sun's rays.

Edd squinted, looking for the ginger-haired boy as he became more anxious. I do hope he didn't leave... he then spotted someone alone on the field, but was it Kevin? Edd came closer to the edge of the field and noticed the familiar red cap and black leather jacket, and he breathed a sigh of relief, Oh thank heavens!

He squinted harder and noticed a basket that was usually full of footballs right next to him. He must be tossing those footballs to let off steam... he hesitated, would it be wise to approach his childhood bully while he was letting off steam? Maybe I should let him be...

Edd abruptly shook his head, get ahold of yourself Eddward! It would be selfish to ignore Kevin's distress out of some small fear from the past!

He walked over to the fence separating the bleachers from the field and carefully lifted himself on top of it. Edd started to dismount it backwards, but his foot got caught between two metal bars in the fence, and he fell backwards onto his rear. Edd let out a yelp of surprise. Oh dear, how embarrassing! He frowned as his cheeks turned pink, and he stood up to brush off the dirt and grass from his backside.


After throwing the first football as hard as he could and entirely missing the goal, Kevin huffed with irritation and reached into the basket to pull out another one. He drew his arm back as far as he could with the football gripped in his hands, but just as he was about to throw another football, he was interrupted by a voice calling out his name.

Kevin turned his head to see the Double Dweeb jogging towards him and waving his hand wildly from across the field. Kevin groaned in frustration. Great, here comes the Double Dork of all people, not like I came here to be alone or anything. He tried to ignore the petite boy and turned back towards the goal, brought his arm back as far as he could, and got ready to throw another football. Kevin threw the ball and it soared across the field, hitting the ground and missing the goal by about ten feet.

"Dammit!" Kevin cursed and picked up another ball.

Double D finally jogged up to him as he panted and sweat with exhaustion. He leaned over with his hands on his knees as if he were about to start heaving. "Good lord!" He managed to say between breathes. "I-I should really w-work on my cardiovascular health!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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