Chapter 1

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"Where there is hope, there are trials"


The sound of rain pelting against my bedroom window soothed my aching migraine. My disgrace of a father had spent the whole day screaming at the top of his lungs at me, trying desperately to fill the gap that my mother had left. He resulted to violence after that cold day in late December. I remember my head being slammed against walls and floors as my father wailed and wailed, earnestly trying to bring back something that wasn't coming back. I shake my head rid of the memories of that horrible night and continue to pack my bags. As I reached in my shirt drawer, something sharp poked my finger, drawing blood. I sucked on it as I started pulling shirts out. Something shiny caught my eye and I pulled it out. It was the pen my mother had given to me when I turned 13, many years ago. A tear slipped down my cheek as I read the note, written in her handwriting, on the side.

"Tσ му вєαυtιƒυℓ αℓινια, ℓσνє мσм." July 28th, 2011

I missed her so much. I knew she left because of how father treated her but how could she leave me alone with him?

I set the pen on my bed and continued on my packing. Tomorrow morning, I would be on a plane to Seoul, South Korea. I had been planning my "escape" for years now, saving all my tip money from the little restaurant I worked at. I knew my father was going to kill me if he found out, yet I'm still willing to risk it.

After the last of my packing was finished, I laid down on my bed, enveloped by my covers. Turning on my phone, I checked my departure time, realizing at how real this has become. I set my alarm for 4:00 A.M. and set my phone on the night stand next to my bed. After turning off my light, I stared up at the dark ceiling.

America would be such a distant far off place in 24 hours.

I fell asleep to memories of my beautiful country flooding my mind.


I woke to a shrilling ring in my ears as my alarm clock beeped. I quickly hit snooze and laid back on my bed. That's when my eyes flew open and I shot up in my bed. I had to hurry and get ready before my dad woke up.

Quickly, I pull my hair up in a messy pony tail and throw on a sweater and leggings. Grabbing a granola bar, I run out the door.

Driving to the airport was an absolute terror. Speeding cars narrowly dodge impending death as they weave in and out of traffic. Slamming on my brakes, I honk at the blue Subaru in front of me. The person inside brought their hand out to flip me off and drove away, following the mass of humanity.

30 minutes later, I pulled into the infamous LAX parking lot and stepped out of my car, grabbing my suitcases on the way. Locking my doors, I quickly call my friend Teresa to tell her I was ready for her to pick it up. I hid the keys beneath the front tire and walked off towards the huge building.

After going through Security, I walked along the path to my plane, earphones in, drowning out the noise.

Tears rolled down my face as I took my seat on the plane, shoving my carry-ons in the storage space above me. I looked outside at the beautiful California sun, one last time.

"Goodbye." I whispered. "Goodbye."

The fuzzy sound of the overhead mic filled the plane until a scratchy, mid 50 year old mans voice took its place. "Hello, I will be your pilot for today, as we fly to the wonderful Seoul, South Korea."

I buckled my seat belt as the aircraft came to life. As we took off, the turbulence ignited motion sickness and I leaned back, hoping to relieve myself. I waited until we had made it in air and opened my eyes, peeking out the small window on the side of the plane.

"Thirteen hours." I sighed.

I pulled my jacket out of my backpack and laid it on myself as a makeshift blanket and closed my eyes, drifting off to my music.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing soon, please, buckle your seat belts and sit comfortably."

Slowly opening my eyes, I am greeted with the morning sun of Seoul. I look at my phones time and see 7:00 am plastered on the screen.

That's when a sudden turbulence rattles the plane, jolting me in my seat. I quickly grab on to the sides as the plane made its descent.

After landing, various signs filled with the Korean language greeted me. I had been studying Hangul for quite a while but now that I was faced with it, my mind drew a blank. I walked towards the exit doors and once outside, hailed a cab. Luckily, the driver knew English and I asked him to take me to "Daehanjang Motel Myeongdong" , the motel I would be staying at, temporarily.

When I had arrived, I checked into my room and changed into my Pajamas. It was still day but I was overly exhausted from the time change as well as the plane ride. I lay in my bed and decide to take a needed nap.

I doze off to the sounds of Seoul.


Thank you guys for reading ♡

YA GIRL JUST FINISHED THE FIRST CHAPTER AHHH!!! I know it's not that great & kind of boring but before the goodies she gotta GET THERE FIRST.  please leave me some feedback via comments and vote & follow ! It means a lot ♡




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