Chapter 5

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"Just one day. Just one night. That's all I ever wanted"


We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I could hear the muffled conversations as the rest of the group continued to talk, but I was held in a trance. The only thing that broke me from it was Taehyungs voice calling out to me.


"huh?" I said, Looking over.

"Did you want to come hang with us?" He asked sweetly.

I looked over at Jae who was practically begging me to say yes. I look back at the group of guys who are watching me very intently.

Sighing, I gave in. "Fine."

"Yay!" They all chorused.

I look over at Tae to see him smiling big at me. Turning my head to look at Namjoon, I see him frowning at me, before walking away to the rest of the games. Shrugging, I link arms with Jae and we follow the guys to the air hockey table.

"Alivia and I first." Taehyung says, clearly ready to beat me.

Unfortunately, he does not know one specific detail about me. I am a master at air hockey. I look over at Jae and we both grin evilly. Taking my spot on the opposite side of the table, everyone counts down together.

"hana, dul , set." And the game began.

Taehyung was actually really good, not as good as me, but still good. We battled for the first point which I skillfully got. Jae applauded and cheered for me while the guys smacked Tae on the back, groaning.

The next point, I let Tae earn. The guys all cheered and Jae looked at me, pouting. The game went on like that until we got to game point. Stretching my arms, I ready myself as he takes out the puck. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Namjoon come into view. He is studying me very carefully, raking his eyes over my body. I suddenly feel very self-conscience and look away, reverting my attention back to the game. I see the puck come flying towards me and wack at it halfheartedly. It goes in the goal and I hear Jae screaming but I don't pay attention. I'm too distracted by this strange man who is examining my petite, delicate physique.

I feel someone next to me and I look over. Tae is standing there with his hand raised, waiting for a high five. I flinch back as my brain tells me that he's going to hit me. Growing up with an abusive father, any kind of raised object makes you freak out. I look up at his face to see him looking at me with a concerned expression.

"I'm not going to hurt you.." he said softly.

"mian-heyo"* I say instantaneously.

*informal "sorry"*

He began to lower his hand but I quickly smacked it with my own. He smiled in response.

An hour later we had gone through almost all the games and I was feeling beat. As we watched the guys race each other on the car games, I took the opportunity to get a look at Namjoon.

He had grayish hair that was tousled in a bad-boy kind of style. His slim body was combined with muscles that, underneath his long-sleeved shirt, could be seen. His face had a threatening look to it that gave me chills. Once in a while, he would laugh, showing off dimples that, for a second, gave away his sweet demeanor that hid beneath his rough appearance.

After the game was finished, Jungkook had won and they all celebrated, laughing at Yoongi, who had lost.

Yawning I look at Jae who nods at me. We quietly sneak away and run to her car. As I was buckling my seatbelt I see her looking at me with eyebrows raised. Laughing, I shake her gaze off. Grumbling, she turns on the car and head towards my hotel.


Thank you guys for reading ♡

I made this chapter a little short because I didn't really know what to write for this section.. Hopefully I can get some longer chapters in when I get to places I enjoy LOL

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