Chapter 17

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Leona's POV

Leona woke up, remembering what she was supposed to do last night. 'Shit, we forgot about first day all-nighters' She thought, Leona quickly got dressed and ran through the hangout areas to see Sirius and Jareth sitting together asleep on the couch, arms thrown lazily around each other with Helga Hufflepuff watching over them, happily.

"Morning, Helga!" Leona whispered to the painting. She grinned happily to see one of her "children", as she called them.

"These two boys have been here all night. Do you know who the boy with Jareth is, Dearie?" Helga asked with a small smile on her lips.

"Oh that's Sirius Black, you know, the troublemaker from Gryffindor?" Leona said while sitting right under Helga's painting, in front of the fireplace.

"They are an oddly adorable couple, don't you agree, Leona?" Helga whispered.

"Yes, ma'am! But the adorableness must end now, before anyone else comes down the stairs. Can you keep this a secret please, Madame?" Leona stood and looked in front of the two snuggling boys.

"Awww, maybe they can come back and do this again, I do enjoy their company!" Helga and Leona giggled. Leona finally went over and woke up Jareth and Sirius as gently as possible, which in all honesty was like a feather, because they weren't even close to waking up. So she went to the back of the couch and got right in between the two boys' heads and and said,

"Good morning, boys!" Which surprisingly scared them both off the couch. Jareth laughed, knowing it was Leona. Sirius on the other hand was like a grumpy dog and literally barked up a storm. Leona didn't understand anything Sirius said in that amount of time, but it was okay, it was cute. Jareth kept laughing at Sirius' behavior and decided to walk Sirius back to the Gryffindor common room. Leona decided to take a morning stroll outside. So she exited the common room as well.

~{Time Skip brought to you by Sirius' barking}~

Leona climbed a tree near the forbidden forest. She loved looking into the forest in the morning at sunrise; the sun rose through the trees so all the colors were bright and beautiful. Suddenly, there was a crack of a stick behind her. Leona quickly looked back to see the sandy haired boy with his hands in his pockets. He smiled sweetly to the girl in the tree. She smiled back slightly, that's until the branch on the tree started breaking. Leona and Remus tensed, the branch kept breaking with every breath she took. Leona looked up to see a big branch hanging above her head. She held onto the branch quickly, just as the branch was about to fall. Leona was hanging by her fingers and slipping off slowly.

"Hang on, Leo!" Remus yelled. He ran to the fallen branch and threw it out of the way. He then yelled,

"Okay, you may think this is absurd, but trust me okay?" He yelled to Leona.

"Okay! Anything to get down!" She yelled back.

"Let go, when I say go, okay?" Right as he finished the new branch started cracking as well.

"Oh no... REMUS?!" Leona started panicking. Remus was looking for anyone to help but no one was there, so he did the only thing he could think of.

"Okay, ready? 1-2-3- LET GO!" Remus yelled the Leona. It felt like they were both in slow motion, with Leona falling with the branch following. Remus caught Leona, bridal style, and moved out of the way as fast as he could, but was a little late and the branch gave a deep cut on her arm and a small cut on Remus' arm as well.

"Well, this is a nice morning so far." Leona said with an unbelievable amount of sarcasm. Remus laughed and agreed, then put down Leona. She gave a thanks in return. The girl brushed herself of but winced in pain when she moved her cut arm.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need to go to Madam Pomfrey's?" Remus asked concerned. She shook her head and replied with,

"I can take care of it, just some bandages and maybe some other things, spice it up, you know?" She said laughing along with her awkwardness. Remus laughed with her and became slightly red. Leona noticed slightly and blushed as well.

"Well, do you mind if I come with you? I have to take care of this little bugger." Remus asked politely. Leona accepted and took him to the Hufflepuff common room.

When they made it to the entrance, she made him turn around and tapped the barrels in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff" and walked in. Helga noticed the new boy and looked at Leona teasingly, both Remus and Leona noticed this. Remus tried to keep in his laughter, but failed miserably. Leona on the other hand blushed profusely. Leona told Remus to sit on the couch and wait for her to come back. So, he did as he was told and started conversing with Helga Hufflepuff's painting.

If only Helga were good at keeping secrets.

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