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She was never one to falter in front of a man. Or anyone for that matter. But there was something about the figure casually standing in front of her.
It wasn't the usual dose of so-called confidence - that she'd much sooner consider arrogance - which she'd generally encounter with those self-proclaimed alpha men. No.. It was quite the opposite with this one.
The shy smile playing on those full lips and his tendency to avoid her gaze while talking in a soft voice intrigued her.

'Is he new here? Or was he around while I was on break?' She asks, wiping the sweat off of her forehead, taking advantage of the music echoing in the spacious room.

'It's his second time with our group. I know you're not exactly one to praise newbies, but he's good. He only spent three weeks in Group B.' Her colleague responds quickly, earning a curious glance from her. Three weeks? Most rookies spend at least four months training before being accepted into group A.

'His name?'

'Park Jimin.'

'Hey, Park. Come here.' She stretches a hand out, signaling for the boy to approach her, while her head is turned to face the laptop screen, turning off the music. As expected, everyone's attention snapped towards her, waiting for her next move.

He swiftly moves in the small crowd of people before stopping a few feet away from her, more distance between them than she expected. They would usually come too close for her liking and for their own good. She didn't mind the space, more so she even took a few steps towards him.

'I'll give you a beat, you got 3 minutes to impress me. If not, you're back to Group B. No recycling moves.' She states simply, waving her hand in attempt to make the others move to the sides of the room and free space on the floor.

'Umm..but I've never tried freestyling before.' He mumbles, running a hand through his black hair, exposing his forehead.

What's up with this one? He's not even looking at her, his gaze cast down at the scratched floor. The unusual behavior almost earns him a smile, which is quickly covered by a cough.

'Well then I guess you'll have to practice more when I send you back to B.' She shoots back before letting her fingers glide over the keyboard and choosing a remix. Pressing play, she leans on the edge of the table, the sight of him taking a deep breath and smiling nervously making her smirk.

Her smirk disappears the second the music starts to play. It took one beat to change his whole demeanor so drastically that she couldn't believe she was standing in front of the same childlike-looking guy as before.

One beat and his shifting gaze turned into a fierce, fiery look; his cute smile, into a full-on teeth-baring smirk and his stiff body exuded intensity and confidence. And not the arrogant type, no. The boy knew what he was doing. And damn him, but he was good at it.

Every move was calculated perfectly, he didn't miss one beat, and his facial expressions complimented the whole picture. She started frowning slightly. One, because she was trying her best to find just one mistake, and two, in hopes that she could throw him off and intimidate him. But he didn't even flinch. If she didn't know better, she would've said he burned with even more passion than before.
And that annoyed her. It annoyed her because she liked it when she wasn't supposed to. She's the 'bad cop', the critic, she rarely praised someone. Yet, here she was, admiring his every move.

Maybe it was all play-pretend. Maybe.. He was just a damn good actor, playing the shy, innocent guy, waiting for a chance to show off. Oh, how she was hoping to be right about that. To see him still hold on to that confidence he had while dancing. At this point she accepted the fact that she won't send him to Group B, that he's better than most of the people in A. What she couldn't accept though, was that he's not like all the others. He wanted him to be a show-off, a smart-ass, a flirt. Anything.

But as the music slowly died, she realized she won't get her wish. Even though the fire in his eyes hadn't been fully tamed, she could see the timid guy coming back.

'I don't appreciate liars, Park.'
She pushes down on her arms to create enough momentum to push herself up from leaning on the table.
The statement catches him off-guard as he attempts to let out a 'what?'.

'Never freestyled before? You expect me to believe that?' She questions, stepping closer to him. His confused expression quickly turns to a slight smile, realizing the back-handed compliment. His hands shoot up in a defensive manner, while shaking his head.

'I really haven't. You can ask the teachers in group B. Also, all I ever did before was contemporary dance and we didn't do freestyles there.' His voice sounding just the slightest bit desperate for her approval, she nods.

She takes in his appearance : his hair ruffled and his shirt, drenched in sweat, now sticking to his body, accentuating what looked like abs she wasn't certain he had.

'Take off your shirt.'

'What?' His breath catches in his throat, unsure of the request he had just heard.

'You heard me. You're a dancer, it shouldn't be unusual to show off your body.'

Still baffled, he reaches around to grip the back of his shirt and slowly pulls it over his head, giving her time to cancel her request. After he's done, he looks at her, his shirt in his hand, waiting for an explanation. He had a really, nice, sculpted body, which wasn't uncommon amongst dancers, nor was it that stand-outish. But then.. what's up with his attitude? He has the body, the face and the moves. 3/3 in her book, yet he's more reserved than those 1/3 cocky dudes.

'What's the catch then?' Seeing confusion spread all over his face, she continues. 'You have the looks and you can dance, why aren't you confident in yourself?'

She places a hand on her shoulder, praying for an answer that would make her like him less. Anything that would prove she's not supposed to look at him differently than she does any other guy.

Seeing his discomfort at the wide audience, she checks the clock on the wall. Realizing it's nearly the end of the class, she motions to her colleague, who quickly dismisses everybody, while she signals for Jimin to come closer. Saying a rushed goodbye to her colleague who now left her alone with the boy in the big room, she turns her attention to him.

'I don't really have an answer.. You say I've got the looks but I just don't see it. I've always been self-conscious about my weight and appearance in general.' He had to be kidding, right? He was one of the most handsome guys she's come across so everything he said made her think he's kidding around.

'You're joking, right? Turn around. Now look in the mirror. There's not one thing wrong with your appearance. You're confident when you dance, but I want you to be confident all the time. You think you can do that? You have one week to prove you've got the attitude.'

Taken aback slightly at first, he soon recovers with a smile and looks her straight in the eyes.

'I think I can prove it to you now.' he says, more sure of himself than before.

'Go ahead then.' she states expectantly, looking him up and down.

With one stride, he's in front of her, backing her to the wall, the closeness that would usually annoy her not affecting her this time. He places one hand on the side of her face and lowers his face to her level.

'Go out with me tonight.' he whispers in her ear, making her jaw drop slightly. Not getting any response, he pulls back a bit to look at her face.

'Why not?' she smirks.


A/N: I already had this one mapped out so I decided to post it. The next one will be a request.

Don't forget to leave your requests in the comments, if you have any.

Bye now :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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