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He was always thinking about it. Even though his glowing expression never showed it, the possibility of his relationship coming to an end, alongside his career was scaring him to death.

Even if it won't work out, we can always end it and go back to being friends.

That's what he used to say to himself on one of those quiet nights when sleep was the last thing on his mind. Ha.. How silly of him. Sure, that strategy would have worked a few months back, when holding hands with Taehyung under the table or suddenly being pulled in the dressing room for a quick make out session in between rehearsals seemed somewhat strange.

But now.. It all felt so natural that he had to stop himself from acting it out in front of the boys a few times and give their secret away. Now.. He was so utterly in love with his band mate that he could never go back to being just friends. It has become a game of all or nothing for him. And he was enjoying every second of it- every lingering touch on his leg, every whispered promise when they were just passing by each other, every small knock on his door, late at night, when everyone was sound asleep, revealing Taehyung's tired smile and his ruffled hair before everything became a blur.

Despite his burning desire to just get lost in those moments and escape from the outside world, reality always kicked back in, guilt taking over him every time the others seemed slightly suspicious of their behavior. They were his hyungs, his closest, most trusted friends. And yet he couldn't look them in the eyes and admit how selfish it was of him to put his love life first, and his band second.

It was all a conflict between his rational thoughts and his emotions. And Taehyung wasn't making it easier for him either, with his constant teasing.

'Great job everybody, 20 minute break' yelled the director, dismissing them with a flick of his hand

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'Great job everybody, 20 minute break' yelled the director, dismissing them with a flick of his hand. As the lights deemed, the guys started clapping soundly a few times before high-fiving and hugging each other.

After giving Jin a pat on the back and some positive feedback, Jungkook felt a slight tap on his shoulder meant to catch his attention. Swiftly turning around, he met Taehyung's sweet, gummy smile and his arms wide open waiting for a hug. Accepting the invitation without a second thought, he sighed as Tae placed his head in the crook of his neck. What he wasn't expecting, was to feel teeth grazing on his neck, accompanied by the daring boy's lips, locking on the smooth skin and gently sucking, careful not to leave a mark, showing he had been there.

His actions sent a wave of tingles down Jungkook's spine, making him latch his right hand in the hair of the back of Tae's head, slightly pulling back, to put some distance between them.

'Relax, baby. No one saw a thing.' his raspy voice ringed in the young boy's ear, and to add insult to injury, he grabbed Jungkook's earlobe between his teeth for a second. He was probably right, the lights were down low, the boys' attention seemed elsewhere and even if it was on them, it all looked like a normal hug from afar.

'We should tell them, you know.. I mean sooner or later we'll have to anyway' Jungkook mumbles after pulling away, while glancing over to the boys.

'Yeah, I know that. We can do it tonight, when we get back from rehearsal. Is that alright?' he asks looking straight in his eyes for approval, his hand still on his boyfriend's shoulder.

'I guess..' he whispers, his gaze dropping to the floor.

'I know you're scared, baby boy. But they deserve to know, we've been holding this off for too long. It's gonna be okay.' Taehyung squeezes his shoulder reassuringly before heading back to the rest of the group.

' Taehyung squeezes his shoulder reassuringly before heading back to the rest of the group

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'Ah, hyungs.. I wanted to tell you something, and it's pretty serious. I mean, we wanted to tell you something' Taehyung stated uncomfortably while waving his finger between him and Jungkook.

The boys stopped their chit chatting to look at them, before bursting out laughing.

'Is it about the two of you being together?' Jimin asked amused, cocking an eyebrow at the two of them, making both of their jaws drop in disbelief.

'You knew? But.. How?' Tae questions wide eyed making the others laugh again and go 'aww'.

'Well you're not really the most subtle person when you get out of bed in the middle of the night to go to Kookie's room and proceed to drop or hit 50 things in the process.' Jimin states between chuckles.

'And also, a few shows ago, when you both said that you're gonna go call your parents, I FaceTimed my mom. She was drinking tea with your mom' he says amused pointing at the maknae. 'and she didn't get any calls. That's why when you came back I asked you if you called her and you said you did. 🎵Caught in a lie🎵' he sings, making the others die with laughter and the two victims to blush and look down at their laps.

'So.. Umm.. Is it okay with you?' Jungkook asks, not daring to raise his head.

'You guys know this is risky right? If you break up, you might not be able to work with each other afterwards. But I'm sure you are aware of that already. We could have said something earlier but we wanted you to feel comfortable enough to admit it. That being said, we see the way you look at each other. You're practically glowing.. Who are we to take that away from you?' Namjoon says with a warm smile spread across his face, making the two look up with thankful eyes.

After they all hug each other, making a few jokes here and there, teasing the couple, everyone heads up the stairs to their doorms. As Taehyung takes a turn on the hallway to go to his room, Hoseok, grabs his shoulders and turns him around, pushing him towards Jungkook's room with a smirk.

'Go, you don't have to sneak out anymore now, just be quiet in there.' he winks, disappearing into his room.

As they lie on the bed, Tae's hand is playing in Jungkook's hair, while the young one's mind seems to be elsewhere.

'What if the Army isn't going to accept us?' he finally speaks up, letting out a sigh.

'I know it's going to be hard. And there might be a time when we're going to want to give up. And there will be a lot of people who won't support us or believe in us. They're going to say that we have no future together, that we aren't going to last. But honestly.. When I look in your eyes I know forever is where we're heading.'


A/N: So this was my first ever attempt at a one-shot, especially a BoyxBoy one. My next one will be a BoyxReader one so don't worry.
Hope it wasn't too horrible, I promise I'll do better on the next ones.

If you want to request any one-shots just comment with:
¬ the type you want (bxb, bxr)
¬the boy(s) you want
¬if you prefer your name, a chosen name or Y/N
¬any additional information

Bye now :3

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