Chapter 8

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You instantly froze as you felt the point of the gun digging into your head, trying not to imagine a bullet piercing through. "Well, well, well." A malicious, accented voice chuckled. You glanced up slowly, making no sudden movements so you wouldn't be killed. The blond-haired man, Ian, who  you had caught staring at you through the window smirked down at you and Riley. "Riley. Who's this?"  "None of your business." Riley said through clenched teeth. Ian gave a relaxed shrug. "Okay. I don't care. Give me the Declaration." You felt Riley tense beside you. "It's not like you have a choice, anyway." Ian continued, "If you refuse to hand it over, Kevin will shoot you on the spot." Ian gestured to the man who towered behind you and Riley. Ian pulled out his own gun and pointed it at  Riley, a little unnecessarily, considering Kevin already had a gun at your heads. "Either way, I win. So you can choose. You have five seconds. Five..." Riley glanced at you, panic flitting through his eyes. "Four...." Ian droned. Your heart pounded against your chest, fighting to get out. "Three..." You were going to die. "Two...." Riley set his jaw. "One-" Ian was cut off by Riley abruptly pointing to the side and shouting, "It's Ben!" Ian and Kevin's heads both shot to the side, searching for the imaginary Ben and preparing to grab the Declaration and run. Riley acted fast. He wrestled the gun out of Kevin's hand and hurled it out of reach, then whipped around and punched Ian in the jaw, causing him to fall to the ground. Riley threw the Declaration ahead of him and shouted, "(Y/n), get it!" You leaped to your feet and sprinted after the Declaration. To your horror it had landed in the middle of a busy street. You couldn't let it be crushed. You waited a split second for a slight gap in the road, then raced forward, feeling like you were playing a real-life version of crossy road on hard mode. Horns blared all around you and you ignored the screeches of cars trying to avoid the girl in the middle of the road. You had nearly reached the Declaration, when suddenly a you felt a sharp pain in your leg and it buckled underneath you. You screamed in pain as you hit the asphalt. You'd been shot in the leg, right in the middle of the road. A honk sounded right in front of you. You looked up just in time to see a truck barreling towards you at full speed. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the impact. You felt strong arms grab you around your waist, and you were dragged to the side of the road. You pathetically glanced up and saw Riley trip and hit the ground with a painful-sounding thud. "Riley..." You whimpered. Riley quickly recovered and started to get up and walk over to you, but Ian stopped him, pointing a gun at his face. "We shot... what was it? (Y/n)? Next time we'll shoot to kill. Get the Declaration from the road and bring it back. Now." Defeated, Riley didn't protest. He started towards the road, and luckily for him, the cars came to a stop at the stoplight. He snatched up the Declaration and brought it back. "Good job." Ian said, a cruel, angry glint in his eyes. "I don't appreciate being tricked. Typically I'd just kill you," He made a signal and Kevin punched Riley in the gut. Riley let out a cry, collapsing to the floor. Ian chuckled. "But I need you as a bargaining chip so Ben will give us the information we need." Ian slowly walked towards a nearby car. "Come on. Or you'll be shot." Riley picked himself up, and then bent over you. "Can you walk?" He asked in a strained voice, offering his hand to you. You took it, and he pulled you up. Your leg throbbed with pain and tears sprung to your eyes as you started to fall over. Riley caught you. "Whoah. Take it easy. You've just been shot." Ian impatiently drummed his fingers on the roof of his silvery-gray car. Riley bit his lip and lifted you off the ground. He carried you over to the car, where Kevin shoved both of you into the back seat. Ian silently drove off, not saying a word to either of you about where you were headed. And honestly, at this point all you could think about was the constant pain that seemed to dull all of your other senses. Riley held you closer and you rested your head on his chest. You could feel his heart rapidly beating from fear. You closed your eyes. Riley bent over you and softly whispered over and over again, "It'll be okay. It'll be okay." 

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