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February 2nd, 2018 at 10pm
I met this girl named Jennifer on a Facebook Bubble BFF group. Bubble is a dating site and Bubble BFF is site for friends only. She posted on the Facebook page if anyone wants to go to a bar tonight. I comment and said I'm interested. I already took a tequila shot and had some type of alcoholic drink at dinner with my mom before I met with her. I also smoked weed a bit when I got home from dinner just to loosen me up. I uber at the bar that I suggested called Blind Donkey. We got there at the same time and we both didn't know what to order so I got us a fruity pineapple drink, which was the same drink I poured on that girl in the first chapter. Jennifer just turned 21 two months ago and I just turned 22 a week ago. Everybody in the bar was older and in a relationship, we didn't fit in until one of her friends recognizes her cross the room who also just turned 21 not too long ago. We hanged out with him and his friends at the table. We taking shots, after shots, and that's the last thing I remember. I took about 5 shots plus the 1 I took before hand, AND I SMOKED WEED. I wasn't just blacked out, I was crossed faded!! I don't remember leaving the bar, or coming home, I don't even remember throwing up. Jennifer took care of me and I'm so blessed for that. I just met her and she's taking care of me. :) She was telling my mom that big strong guys had to carry me to her car because I couldn't walk. I threw up in her car, even though I have no memory of this. She went to a gas station to buy me snacks, a big water bottle, and cleaning Products for her car. Guess who's money she used to buy this stuff? Take a wild guess! MY MONEY! I WAS UNCONSCIOUS AND UNAWARE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING, SHE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME. It was $100 bill and I bought it with me as backup money. I was stressing so much the next day trying to figure out what happened to it because she said "I didn't use your money." when I asked her the next day she said she did use it. We have a trust problem now. Woke up the next morning on the floor in my living room in so much pain. I felt like someone kicked me so hard to where it hurts to move just a little. I got up and went to my bed and woke up a few hours later with a black eye and a bunch of little buries on my body from drunk falling. Jennifer told me this should be a learning lesson for me to not get hammered with someone I just met, and she's right but it's not like I purposely did this. Yes, I wanted to be drunk but I didn't think I would actually be this hammered! I called my sister, Cara to tell her I love her and I'm not close with her or my siblings in general so the fact that I called her ESPECIALLY WHEN I WAS WASTED really does say how much I want a relationship with her and my other 2 siblings. I wonder if she realizes that I've been wanting that for so long but she's busy now with a family of her own and a 3rd one on the way! I'm still proud of her and always will be. I'm surprised that I even got this bad! Usually when I'm drunk I'm still aware of what's happening around me but not this time. I don't remember the ending, It's her word against mine and between you and me, that scares me. I never been so blacked out that I can't remember. I'm actually really scared to drink again because I don't want to be complete blacked out. I had vomit in my hair that morning and no text from her asking if I'm okay. My debit card was still at the bar and luckily I picked it up that day. The total was $60, I spent that much mostly on tequila shots for myself. I know that was dangerous and a learning experience and stupid how I still don't know my limits but I believe I have an angel looking down on me to make sure nothing bad ever happens to me. I believe there are good people out there even bad people can still be good at times.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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