Some kill time with Killer-san

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yo everybody Author-San here ya~

today we'll be talkin with

*drum roll*

Killer-san ya!

and our guest is Nico-san~


*Killer and Nico-san goes in*

me: over here ya~*waves at the two*

nico: hiya

Killer: yo

me: now let's all take seat and start ya!

*everyone sits down*

me: alright questions away ya~

Nico: okay :) so here'the first question...

How are you so calm around Kid-san with all his raging?

Killer:hmm well got used to his attitudes already cause he just keeps on repeating it on the ship...

me:so you mean that...*pales*


me:*shivers* don't think I'll survive an hour there...

ANYWAYS next question ya! o3o

Nico:okay! next is...Why do you never tak eoff your mask?

Killer: U-Um....erm...*scratches the back of his head* well I do take off my mask sometimes....but without anyone knowing *shuffles in his seat*

*Kid suddenly goes in*

Kid: Oi Author-san!!!

Me:NANI?! Ya?! *panicks*

Kid: I've got some pics of Killer without his mask I found em in his room

Killer: EH?! KID!!!*gts off his seat and tries to grab the pictures*

Kid: HEHEHEHE *raises his arm and makes it hard for Killer to reach it*

Nico: U-Uhm author-san....*sweatdrop*

Me:*stops laughing* *coughs* r-right! OI KID! ya!

*Kid and Killer stops arguing*

Me: you're interupting so please go outside first ya~

Kid: fine *heads outside*


Killer: *facepalms*

Kid:*gives a thumbs up and leaves*

Me:Okie final question!

Killer: already? *pouts*

Nico: ahahaha sorry Killer-san~

my final question is~

Why is your hair so messy! :3

Killer: *touches his hair* ah...Iits really like this..*mumbles* even though I comb it..

 Me: pfffft you COMB?! o3o

Nico: can I touch it?

Killer: sure :) * goes near Nico and sits in front of her*

Nico: *touches his hair* woah! its so soft~ *strokes his hair*

Me: *tiptoes quietly away outside and looks at Kid* psst the pics!

Kid: Here..*hands over the pictures*

Me: pfffft I did not expect his face! >//<


Me:Yikes! well then I have to go now Nico-san well then thats allll YA!!!!!!!!*runs away*

Nico: *shakes her head* trouble maker...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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