Home? ~Chapter 7~

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Nick POV

I wanted to get up and leave, to just leave so bad... But I didn't want to be a problem for others to bare. It's been a few days since I last saw my house after the whole incident with Juliette, I'd sit up but struck by a massive pain in my lower body... It hurt even more than being thrown at a wall, I'd remember the time when I first met Monroe. Monroe... I'd sit up anyway even as much as the pain was haunting me. All that went through my head was what happened last night, I can't believe it... I let myself be played by a Zauberbiest... Oh yeah and to add to that, he's my damned Captain. Isn't that just fun? The more I thought about it, the more I regretted myself. I was in control last night too, I was in my head, I was telling myself to do that... And I'm still here?! Even after what he did to me?! Whatever is wrong with me, I want it to stop. My thoughts were interrupted by a grunting Sean as he'd sit up. "You're up earlier..." Sean spoke huskily, "I could say the same to you." I protested, my eyes slightly squinted at him as he'd only smirk. "Hm, even when you're fucked. You can still wake up so moody..." Sean responded as he'd get up. I felt my eye twitch to his words but tried to keep my composure. "Shut up. I can be how I want to be, and I can do what I want to do, not what you want me to do." I'd growl. Sean just did his little smug look as he looked back at me already doing his belt as his shirt covered his upper-half of his body unbuttoned. "You weren't seeming to be complaining last night." Sean spoke smugly again before his eyes sparked a sudden serious look. "You liked it, is that why you didn't fight back?" Sean seemed serious, but also seemed like he's just taking the piss out of me... I couldn't tell which one he was trying to be. But I wouldn't answer, as I didn't know the answer to that question I've asked myself many times. All I could do was shrug as I got up turning my back to him... "Just drop the subje--" I was cut off by Sean's slender arms wrapping around my waist his face seemed to have made it's position into my shoulder as I felt his warm breath hit my skin. "See, you aren't doing anything about this... Grimm." I felt like I should've protested but no words came out my mouth, was he right? "Zauberbiest." I'd brush the thought away as I composed myself. But he is right, why aren't I pushing him away? My hands would hesitantly grip his hands, as I gripped them tightly trying to take them off my waist. My hands didn't seem like they should go, instead my hands would shake at my attempts; This was noticed; Sean took away his hands as he'd turn me around I felt his eyes scan my face. Every feature, "Just think about that." Sean spoke huskily as he'd peck my neck before grabbing his tie from the floor. My eyes watched him as he left, my bottom lip quivered as I picked up the nearest thing to me, a glass. Out of blinded anger my fingers clutched the glass as I threw it at the wall. The shattering of the glass echoed in my ears as a couple moments later Sean returned to the room to see broken glass shards on the floor. "Sensitive... You really are different." I heard Sean mumble, but I just got my jacket and put it on as I barged past him. "I'm going home." I growled but Sean followed behind me and pulled my arm to turn me around, I'd pull my arm away as I'd look at him. "Nick." Sean started but I wasn't going to listen to it. "No, no, it's time I went back anyway. Go find another Detective to fuck while I'm gone. Fine by me." I'd open his door and slam it shut behind me, but before I could hear the piercing sound of the door's slam, Sean's fingers slipped through the door and swung it open. "Nick! Wait!" I'd stop as I turned back to him. "What now CAPTAIN? Gonna play me again?!" I'd yell back at him. "Or what now? Wanna fuck me again?? Whatever you have done to me, FIX IT. BECAUSE I DON'T GET WHY I FEEL THIS WAY TO YOU!" I'd storm to my car as my mind was fixed on something else, it was hard to find the right one. Until I knew it, I felt Sean behind me as his hand gently placed onto mine. "Not. In. Public. Sean. And just get off and find someone else to toy with." I'd turn and push him off as I unlocked my door and slammed it shut before Sean could try anything I locked the car doors, his hand would bash against my car window. "Tell your next play-toy I said HI." I'd reverse and pull into the road, speeding off. Leaving Sean in the dust. 


I'd get out my car, I'd see Juliette's car was still here. She'd getting the hell out, I don't care what she says, she is OUT. I'd storm inside as I placed my keys down, the house was a mess and stained with the smell of beer. "JULIETTE?" I'd yell her name as I searched the house, she didn't seem like she was here. I wasted no time gathering all her clothes, shoes, accessories as I'd dump them all in a pile by the stairs. My next target was the photos of us, I took each picture from each frame as I sat down in the living room as I flicked through them tears overwhelmed me as I starred at them before flipping the table, but was paused by the knock at the door. "GO AWAY!" I yelled. But whoever it was didn't seem to leave as they opened the door slightly expecting it to be Sean, it was Monroe who'd woge instantly as he'd huff at the smell. "Jesus, what the hell happe--Nick?" He'd walk over to me, He'd woge again sensing how distraught I was. "Jeez dude.. What happened now?" Monroe patted my back as he'd hug me. I'd simply respond with one sentence: "Juliette cheated on me." Monroe's eyebrows furrowed, "Not cool dude.." The feeling of deja vu sparked in me, but it was Monroe this time... That wasn't going to happen again, this is Monroe. My closest and first Wesen friend.

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