The blonde

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Matt's point of view

I wake up. I had a nightmare about the night Val and I were in a wreck. I didn't even get to tell her bye.

"Matt, you're squeezing me." Sidni laughs.

"Sorry. I had a bad dream about Val."

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to make you breakfast. Just stay in bed and I'll bring it to you." She gets out of bed.

I grab my phone and check the time. Its 6:00. Wow, I thought Sidni wasn't a morning person. Oh well, I'm getting breakfast in bed.

Awhile later she comes back with some pancakes and beer.

"How do you know me so well?" I smile and kiss her on the cheek.

She gets a call. Its her brother.

"Hey Sam.....oh thank you.....25....I know I'm getting old.....Im on the tour bus with the guys......yea, it's going well.....Don't you dare tell fucking Joey....we arent even together.....fine, love you too." She hangs up and puts a smile right back on her face.

"How did I not remember that your birthday is March 16?" I ask.

"I wasn't expecting you too. It's no biggie." She says.

"IT IS TO MEE!!" Jimmy yells. "BOYS, WE GOT OURSELVES A BIRTHDAY GIRL ON THE BUS!!!" He's still in his bunk.

"FUCK OFF JIM" all the guys sleeping yell.

"Thanks Jim!" She says. Then all we hear is his loud ass snoring.

Me and Sidni laugh.

"So birthday girl. What do you want to do before the show? Were in Vegas."

"ADVENTURE DOME!" She squeals.

"Are you turning 5 or 25?" I laugh. "Go get ready. Ill tell the guys and Larry."

"Yayy. Okay, I can't wait!!!"

She walks to the bathroom and starts the shower.

"Wake the fuck up. Were going to Adventure Dome for her birthday." I snap at the guys.

"ADVENTURE DOME??? FUCK YEA!!!" Jimmy yells while rushing out of his bunk.

30 minutes later and Sidni still isn't out of the bathroom. I walk over and knock on the door.

"Come on birthday girl. We need to use the bathroom too."

She walks out with her hair in beach waves and lighy makeup to where you can see her freckles. She looks adorable.

"Awww. You look like a little girl." I laugh.

"And you look like a paedophile." She smirks.

"Awwww. How cute." All the guys say to her.

"You guys don't have to be nice since its my birthday. Where's the name calling?" She laughs.

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