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Roses POV
We snuggle on the couch for what seems like hours. We decided to turn on  a movie and just fall asleep there and just about as I was about to fall asleep isana  got a text. He had been out for about and hour now, I picked up his phone and saw a text from....BABY❤️❤️❤️❤️. But I didn't text him? I use his thumb to unlock the phone and go to texts
BABY❤️❤️❤️❤️: Hey! Found a way to ditch you stupid gf  yet. I'm waiting at our usual place
————— I do the only thing that right I'm. Gonna confront them———-
Babe: YEAH! She left like an hour ago! Wanna remind me where our place is?
BABY❤️❤️❤️❤️: top of the Hill at Ciel Park.
Babe: ok! Be there soon!
I get up from the couch and grab my jacket and phone along with his phone and walk to this so called " spot."
I get there and see .... A GUY, WAIT
I run towards him " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU." I scream at him " hi,I'm max .who are you?"
"rose." He freezes
" l-like rose  ishanima."He looks scared" that's me." I say looking at the shorter male with a stern look " MAX, ROSE, WHAT GOING ON." Isana runs up to us " YOUR CHEATING ON MY THATS WHATS GOING ON." He freezes " you went through my phone. " n-no." I say nervous " I just say someone named babe texted you and I didn't text  you." Tears start to roll down my cheeks " we got together what yesterday and your already invading my privacy." He says tears forming " AND YOUR ALREADY CHEATING ON ME." I say as I run down the hill but trip and go flying face first into a rock and black out. The last thing I hear is Isana's voice " ROSE WA- ROSE." Like he cared
~~~ time skip ~~~
I woke up in a hospital bed. I never liked hospital beds. I open my eyes and see Isana on the floor holding my hand and crying. The guy no where to be seen " isa?" I say meekly " Rose ." He jumps and hugs me letting go of my hand.

364 words I'm proud of that. Sorry if it's bad its  late and I haven't slept in days ( I'll be updating " I'm gay." Either late tonight or tomorrow.) goodbye lovelies.❤️❤️

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