21:27; a story

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as much as it hurt, the truth is that we were never truly meant for each other. we found each other in desperate times on a cloudy, rainy day where it seemed like he was the only sort of light coming my way.

but at the time i didn't realize that the light was a star that had died millions of years ago. at the time i was so alone and wanted to feel something whether it was for lust or for love. i wanted to feel like i had someone.

so i wore my heart on my sleeve and let him take what he needed. i listened to him when he didn't listen to me. i let myself love a boy who didn't love me.

but the real truth is that you cannot truly love someone when you do not love yourself. my loneliness had fooled me for love and hurt me, begging me to learn.

but i never did learn. i told myself that if i kept giving him what he needed, that maybe, just maybe he would realize we were meant to be.

but he never saw what i did for him, he never saw how everything i did was for him. he sucked me in like a black hole in the middle of a galaxy, until i was flattened by the gravity.


"It's you, it's you, it's all for you

Everything I do,"

-lana del rey, video games

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