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    I woke up late in the afternoon the next day. The room had a different vibe, now that the sun was up. Slowly, I began to open my eyes. I was extremely bad-tempered and had an annoying headache. I almost forgot about what the night consisted of, but was quickly reminded when I found myself on the floor with my friends. Shockingly, they were all wide awake, staring at the ceiling.

"We watched the moon go down and the sun come up," Eva whispered.

Sara panicked and shrieked, "We couldn't sleep! We even got up another time to smoke some weed! Weed always helps us sleep! It was an indica strain, damn it!"

"I told you guys that that wasn't cocaine. I'm taking what we have left of it and I'm going to have somebody check it out. If Rebecca's ex played us, we now know not to trust him anymore," I said.

"He wouldn't do that. If he did, I'd have to have him beat the fuck up. There will be no questions asked," Rebecca nervously said.

That was a moment that caught me off guard. Rebecca was turning into us. The drugs have started to take a toll on her mentality. When she threatened to have her ex jumped it didn't sound like something she would have ever said before. Baffled, I walked out of the bedroom and headed straight to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower there. While showering, I knew that it would be the only time that I would have to myself. My thoughts were driving me insane. Everything was real. It wasn't a bad dream.
    When I went back to the bedroom, they were all crying. I was furious. I knew I had to try my best to keep a calm appearance for them. They were already freaking out, but it was so hard not to be upset. We didn't know what the white substance that we received was, and it was definitely something else to worry about. Another reason why was because I was supposed to be at work, but here I was watching my friends cry because they couldn't sleep.

"You all knew the consequences of this. Sara, get up and get dressed. I have to get you guys some sort of medicine and I have to work on my car today while the sun is still up outside," I stated.

"I'm going like this. I'm a mess so I might as well embrace it," Sara said.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with your ex if that turns out to be some other fucking drug, Becky. I will personally cut his hands off," Eva grumbled.

"I can't believe this. I'll do it with you," Rebecca agreed.

I left Rebecca's home worried about my friends. I knew it was going to be another long day. When Sara and I finally got to my house, we lit up a joint and had a quick smoke session. She needed to go to our nearest pharmacy and I gave her some money to purchase medicine with. I got out of the car and waited for her to drive away before opening my garage. Then, I called her five minutes later.

"Don't make any eye contact with anybody. Wear your shades inside of the pharmacy if you have to. Get anything that will help you guys get some sleep. It'll say sleep aid or something similar," I instructed her over the phone.

"Thanks. You have to promise me you'll come back to Rebecca's later to check up on us," Sara desperately said.

"I will. I just have to work on my car and change the brake pads. It won't take that long. I'll see you guys later," I promised her.

 I'll see you guys later," I promised her

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I hung up and got straight to work. I knew that they needed me and I was rushing through everything. I finished working on the brakes, and then I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! You're here! I didn't know that you were off today. I went to the grocery store to buy us food for the week. I'll cook us up a bite," Jocelyn said.

"I'm so happy to see you. You don't understand. I now know that moving here was probably the best decision I've made in my entire life," I laughed.

She smiles and says, "You always remind me, silly. It'll be cool to catch up. We live together, but I feel like I never see you. We can wear facials while we try out this new vegan recipe I looked up online."

I put away my tools and helped her bring the groceries inside. I was finally feeling at ease again. Although, I did know that I had to go back to Rebecca's house later that day.

They Belonged to the Wicked (The Teenage Rebellion Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now