Perfect Dark

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Rachel hadn't realized that she'd been staring off to space until Chloe told her to look up. Her crush had turned on her night light, making the stars shine on her purple room.

Chloe took the spot on the bed next to her, giving her a single rose. Rachel offered a sad smile, guessing she didn't look grateful by her tear-stained cheeks. "It's beautiful..."

"I thought you might like it."

"I've always loved stars."


"They remind us there's so much beauty out there, which we almost never see."

"Because we're blinded by what's in front of us," Chloe finished.

Rachel scoffed at the thought of her crush reading her thoughts. "Exactly. But then I learned the truth: The stars we're seeing have already been dead for millions of years. They're all... lies."

"Fuck the stars, we can make our own."

"Yeah, it's all lies. My dad..." Rachel turned away. "He's the biggest lie of all." She laid on her side, her back to Chloe. "If you would have told me a few years ago he would... cheat on my mom, I wouldn't have believed you. But now I can't trust him. Or anyone. I think you're the only one in the world that I can trust."

"I don't know. I bet there's, like, that one other chick in Australia who's super trustworthy."

"No chance." Rachel smiled, turning around to look at Chloe reassuringly. "You're one in a hundred infinites, Chloe Price."

Her crush blushed. "You are pretty unique too, Rachel."

"You know... maybe I was wrong before. Who cares if the stars are dead? As long as we can see them, that means they're real to us. Right?"

"Right." Chloe smiled at her as Rachel settled her head on the crook of her neck, the two holding hands, finding comfort in the night light and each other's presence. She grabbed Rachel's hand and squeezed it. "It's going to be okay."

Rachel nodded and smiled back. "I know. I've got you."

Chloe put a strand of hair behind Rachel's ear and suddenly the blonde remembered what had happened earlier. The falling ashes. The streetlight. The...

"So am I a great kisser?" Rachel teased.

"Hmm..." Chloe tilted her head to the side and looked deep in thought. "I think you'll have to remind me."

Rachel scoffed, but happily complied, forgetting about her parents and the broken glass downstairs just by the connection of their lips.

"I don't think good gives you justice."

"It better."

"So..." Chloe fiddled with her fingers. "Is it too late to ask what are we?"

"Well, you already told me you wanted more with me. So do I. And though I feel I've known you all my life, I think we shouldn't rush into this. I wanna get to know you better." Months of stalking didn't give away dorky and vulnerable Chloe. Maybe Bongo's photograph was a sign.

"I want to get to know you better too, Rachel Amber. All of you. The night I met you, you were such a mystery to me. But after yesterday, I also feel like I've known you forever."

"I'm glad we feel the same way."

"Me too."

Rachel suddenly felt a pulsing under her stomach, so she sat up and tried to focus, remembering her goals and where they were. But Chloe telling her she wanted to know all about her... was it supposed to be that hot? Yes. "Let's leave."

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