Diary's twenty fourth page. (I AM A TOUGH GUY)

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I dont know what had happened to Muraad.. why he did this.? I never forget that scene. It happened right infront of my eyes...i saw that. I saw him killing her.!!!
I still remember...His eyes were bloody red...he was sweating..he had a gun in his hand. He was yelling and she was throwing plates at him. I didnt know why they were fighting...but this fight is not like the other ones...this is bad..really really bad!!!!
He warned her not to yell at him and throw things but she didnt stop..he warned her that he will shoot her if she didn't...i was scared...i didn't know what to do at that time. His loud voice started to raise at every coming moment...i know something bad will going to happen..so i hide myself under the table...i can clearly saw them fighting in the kitchen...
He pointed gun at her..she got scared and started begging ...but he was smiling...she started to shout and call for help but suddenly i saw him shooting her right in the forhead...there was a silence in the house at that moment...all blood on the floor...a lifeless body laying on the floor...
I was so scared that i started to cry...i saw his steps coming towards me...i thought he would kill me too..he bend down and ordered me to come out...i still remember his words...
"You are my brother...don't think im a killer..i know you think im evil...kid! always remember that we all are evil in some form or another...and maybe im an evil too but not 100%...I've to go now before i got caught..and never forget that you are a tough guy.."

He's right im a tough guy ..I'll become a tough guy...but is it right to kill someone...i still remember the peace that occurs in Muraad's house when he killed his wife...a silence, a peace , that i never experiece while living in that House with both of them...maybe he's right....


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