October 9, 2011

14 0 0

Dear Diary,

I've decided to write in here only once a month so then I have a lot more to write.

I've been having a few dreams recently, and I have no idea what they mean.

I had one where my brother was there, but he was crying.

Mother was there too.

I guess it was just a memory.

There was another dream I had where I was writing notes to somebody, but I couldn't understand what I was writing.

It was all just scribbles.

I think I'm getting along with the soldiers very well.

Master says I'm learning very fast for a young girl like me.

I used to have second thoughts about Master but he seems nice.

Maybe when I'm older I'll understand more about him and the hierarchy of the Foot.

I hope I used that word right.

I'm only seven so I'll be learning more when I'm older.

I hope I'm happier then.

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