Phoenix - Ship Log 001 of 236

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Some call me the Cataloger... that is my job... I find information for the government, the kind which nobody else could hope to find. I circle the galaxy in search of anything they want me to find, or to kill, or to record... They call me the Cataloger because I have no name and probably never will. Some say I am heartless and brash, ruthless and corrupt, but they don't really know me. Sure, I do whatever they want for a price, but nobody really knows who or what I am.

I was not always the Cataloger. I had other occupations in the past. I was an assassin, a bounty hunter, a mercenary, a smuggler, and even a soldier for the core worlds. I was good at all those things and it made me very rich. With the money to support me, I did even better. The government of the core worlds, called the Yuthara Pact, wasted years trying to stop me, but they never could, so they hired me to do their bidding. I am not saying I like being a part of them, but they pay extremely well. 10,000 marks for a normal job, more than I used to make in ten jobs as a bounty hunter, and even more for tougher jobs.

I was financed so well that I eventually made the fastest and most ruthless ship in the galaxy. My ship was a modern marvel. I designed it for my own purposes and as a symbol for my exploits. It had eight ion auto-firing cannons mounted at strategic points all around the ship. Freon based cannons were mounted on the front and were designed to target and freeze the carbon based engines that were widely used among species in the core worlds. I installed the custom energy shields that could withstand a blast from a Cornerian battle cruiser, and even if the shields were down, the outside layers on my ship were three feet thick and made of "liquid steel" from Huthara. The precious metal is actually a solid but takes on liquid properties when struck with great force. It is virtually impregnable to almost every known form of energy based cannon. The ship is designed to respond to my touch only, and when I control it, it becomes almost a part of me. The special cockpit which I designed, wires itself to my custom armor, which I also designed myself.

My armor cost more to create than did my ship. It is constructed from the same "liquid steel" as my ship, altered with an extremely rare substance woven into the armor. The substance does not have a name, but the Yuthara Pact assigned it a number ID (L5-427856-24). The substance is amazing, for the more energy it absorbs, say from a common carbon based blaster, the stronger it becomes. There is a limit to which the substance can absorb. When it reaches its limit, it must eject all the energy it had previously absorbed. When this happens, the blast creates a twenty foot bubble of pure energy that destroys everything in its path. Unfortunately, it also puts me in a coma for at least two weeks; I couldn't manage to design protections to save me completely from the blast. This has only happened once before, and it almost killed me, yet saved my life. The shields that are emitted on my armor are the same as the ones on my ship, but only with a thirty percent power rejection when compared. My helmet is linked to the core world database. The visor can see through a wall less than five-feet thick of most substances. It has night vision, heat vision, and can interpret alien languages. I can breathe in space with it, and in water.

My left arm was severed right below the elbow when I worked as an assassin, and that was the greatest career booster I had ever had. I was able to construct a new arm that could act as a grapple, portable ion / carbon / freon cannon, a carbon based missile launcher, a melee weapon when four curved blades are equipped, and its most amazing ability as an assassin droid. The droid can detach and fly around using carbon based jets and use any of the three energy based cannons. The droid acts as a surveillance device, can hack into mainframes, place location and monitoring sensors, and fulfill a wide variety of other uses. It can also act as a small scale bomb in desperate conditions. I configure new uses for my mechanical arm from time to time, so it has many uses of which I have not mentioned.

When my legs were damaged on a different mission as a bounty hunter, I added mechanical properties to them, so they could conceal one energy-induced melee blade in each leg. The blades were designed from simple steel coated in silver that pulses with an energy emitter. The blades could cut through most steel weapons and objects. They are only to be used in extreme survival conditions, and I have never used them, for they are embedded under a living skin layer. Accessing them is a last resort, and a painful one at that, but even if I am stripped bare, I will always have weapons with me.

I always carry with me one long range ion rifle with extra ion battery packs, and one long range carbon rifle with carbon battery packs. I carry the rifles in rifle holsters on my back. The rifles, used by the right person, could shoot up to two-thousand yards effective range without obstacles. I carry a pistol on each hip, one an ion based pistol and the other carbon based.

Even without my weapons I am a weapon myself. I was trained as an acrobat at age three and continued that training to the age of fifteen. Along with my acrobat training I was trained in hand-to-hand combat by the Rythura combat masters until the age of twenty-three and excelled in this area above all else. My parents were rich ambassadors from the planet of Gryuld. I am human as were my parents. They trained me as an assassin, a mistake that killed them. They pushed me hard and were abusive mentally and physically. When I received the job from the Gryuld government to kill them, I was quick to oblige and felt no remorse as I turned over their severed heads as proof for my payment. I was a troubled youth. I eventually fled the highly corrupt world of Gryuld and have been wandering space for fifteen years. I am now thirty-eight years of age, according to the core world time base, which measures a year much according to Eartharian Time. I am not sure why we continue with that time system since Earth was destroyed by a comet over four-hundred years ago. Earth was the mother planet of the humans, which fled the planet before its demolition and settled other worlds in distant galaxies. Only when the humans fled did they realize that there were alien life forms. Humans are outnumbered three-to-one in all of known space among intelligent life forms, but given the rate humans procreate and adapt, it is only a matter of time before humans are the dominant species in the galaxy.

Enough about the human history. This log is supposed to be about me...

Log Entry Complete

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