Chapter 4: The Sewers

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The sewers under Kilik festered with neglect. Modern technology meant that nobody needed to venture down there unless something broke, and then only remote drones were sent to fix things. The eons of construction left the place a vast maze, a perfect place for people to go when they didn't want to be found. It was believed entire societies existed in the sewers, far away from the eye of the government and far away from the light of day.

Caara wrinkled her nose, the scent of this place unpleasant. Still, for a sewer it could be worse. Luckily the water refinement and recycling facilities and chemical treatment plants that worked non-stop down here prevented the sewers from remaining completely uninhabitable.

"How much longer, Ethrosor?"

Ethrosor looked up in annoyance, not answering. He shook his head and got back to the task at hand. His fingers glided across the control panel on his droid arm, expertly calibrating his armor to his body. He paused, making sure he was completely still as he slowly pressed a button on the panel. He felt the a small tug in his spine as another fiber optic needle connected into his spinal cord. Only three left.

Pulling a small hand lantern from a hip pocket, Caara drifted to the sewer wall in front of her and turned the lantern on. The lantern light revealed an old, dirty map of that section of the sewers and a few of the levels above and below them. They had descended five levels into the sewer to be sure that no one could follow or track them, but she was feeling uneasy. This place was massive and confusing. They could easily get lost if they didn't proceed with caution. Ethrosor didn't seem concerned, but she knew The Yuthara Pact database would not have accurate schematics for this place, and besides, accessing the database was a risk. Someone from the government might track their signature in the system.

The map on the wall was incredibly complicated and, she guessed, outdated. She looked to the tunnel on her right, noticing it looked slightly newer than the other tunnels. As she suspected that tunnel did not show up on the map. Still, it would have its uses.

Ethrosor lifted his helmet and attached it to the neck of his armor, then pulled it over his head. He stood with a long sigh. He would have to make alterations at some point to improve the installation process. Installing his armor was becoming a real pain in the ass.

"Done," he said to Caara as he drew his weapons and spun them in his hands expertly. "Let's go."

"Where exactly do you think we should go?"

"You're the one who brought us down here."

"For you to put on your ridiculous armor. Now you're done. I have never visited this planet, you know."

Ethrosor took a long, hard look at Caara.

"I'm sensing some angst from you. What's your problem?"

Caara spun to face him, anger on her face.

"You're a murderer, Ethrosor," she said with venom. "And you've pulled me into this mess you created. Forgive my 'angst', but I'm not happy with my situation at the moment."

"I saved your life."

"You don't know that. They probably would have taken me to a holding cell. Over time I would have escaped. Nobody dead."

"Look, I do what I have to do. You knew what I was when you asked me to take you with me."

"Yes, I did. But I was in a desperate situation. And now I am once more."

"You can hate me if you like, but right now we have to focus on getting off this planet."

"I don't hate you, Ethrosor. Our paths are intertwined. We are connected now. Hating you would only make that worse. Instead, I have to hope you can change your ways. Be redeemed."

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