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You have to Marvel at the human brain, one of the most complicated and complex things on this Earth. There are two things that you can do with your brain you can either get along with it or you could be enemies. But I warn you, you really don't want to be enemies with your own mind. Because your mind knows everything about you, it knows what your deepest fears are. but worst of all is when you fall asleep at night you are at the mercy of your own mind it knows the things that you have forgotten, the things that you have pushed away, and the things that you never want to remember.

I open my eyes groggily and glanced over at my obnoxious alarm clock. I looked out the window that's strange I thought it's so dark out my alarm should be set for 8 in the morning. I don't remember setting it any earlier than that. Hmm weird i thought. I tried to move off the bed. "what the hell" I proclaimed as I tried to move and failed. It felt as though someone had tied me down to the bed frame. But i couldn't see or feel any ropes.

" who's there" I asked the darkness.

" I thought you would have figured it out by now".Hissed a sinister voice in my ear.

"oh go, stay away from me" I cried. " why can't you just leave me the fuck alone." I yelled.

" I thought you liked our time together". Said the voice feigning hurt in his voice.

" please just let me have one god damn night to myself." I begged.

"hmm let me think about that." Said the voice sarcastically and then paused to pretend to think about it. " no." he said bluntly.

"but why."I pleaded.

There was a pause and then the voice replied" because it's too much fun. But enough of this chit chat, let's start" he snapped his fingers and the room went dark.

I open my eyes, I was in a small white room completely barren of anything except for two chairs. One was closer to me and was empty. The second however was further away from me and had an occupant. The shadowy figure sitting atop the chair gestured for me to sit down in the chair across from him. I stood up and blinked letting my eyes adjusting to the bright lights. Then I walked over and sat in the chair across from the figure. I took this time to study the other occupant. He was tall maybe six foot three, thin quite muscular, I think I couldn't really tell cuz he was wearing a cloak that covered his entire body and on his head he was wearing a hood, I couldn't see what his face looked like because it was hidden by the shadow of the hood. All I could make out was two burning red dots where his eyes would be.

"who are you." I asked.
" now that's a silly question, you know who I am."said the same sinister voice.

I pushed back my chair away from him on pure reflexes at the sound of hearing his voice. " go away, go away please leave me alone." I said.

" I thought we can talk first, I think it's time I probably introduce myself to you." he said.

" no no no no no, i don't want to talk to you, leave me the fuck alone, please". I begged.

I got up to try to make a break for the door. But the figures sighed and snapped his fingers and suddenly my body was paralyzed I could no longer move.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk, how rude of you.I was just going to talk to you tonight but....I guess if you prefer the alternative...." he snapped his fingers again.

There was a white hot pain in my chest. I started to cough it felt like my lungs were filling with water, I collapsed to the floor, coughing up blood. The figure walked over to me and and watched as I hacked up the scarlet liquid onto the floor staining the pristine white room I was in. He leaned over me and whispered.
" see in here I'm the ruler, in here I make the rules. In here you are nothing more than my play thing."

He got up and walked over to his chair and sat down in it and watch me wriggle on the ground in pain, coughing up blood and rolling on the floor trying to make the agony stop. After a few minutes he finally said.

" Alright I think that I've made my point here, are we going to behave now?" He asked me.

I frantically nodded my blood soaked head flinging the blood into the walls.

" Wonderful" he exclaimed.

He snapped his fingers and the excruciating pain in my chest stopped.

"Come sit here next to me" He said and gestured to the chair across from him.

I stumbled into it gasping for air. I gazed at him

" what do you want." I managed to choke out.

"I just want to talk to you, but first allow me to properly introduce myself, my name is weylin. But you know me by a different name. The Night Stalker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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