The book

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It was July 30, Taylor's Birthday and they walk in a book store to get her a new manga and Taylor was excited. She was happy that the latest Edition of Yuri on ice came out. She came into the store jumping up and down. Alexa rolled her eyes "Can you not, you are not a child." Lisa as usual was staring into her phone ignoring Taylor. Luke just watched her jump up and down. Abraham just stared at her.

They begin the search for the next edition of Yuri on ice. They look everywhere and do not find a trace. Taylor frowns as they do not find it. Alexa smacks her in the back "come on we can go to another one to find it so don't be a baby." They go to the car and ride to another one. As they do not find it again Taylor cries" Whyyyyyyyyy can't we find it"

Alexa begins to get annoyed until Taylor sees a book with odd looking designs. She says "Maybe we can get this one" "That one why? I thought you wanted the latest edition of Yuri on ice?" Carla says in confusion. "Well maybe this one is good and it may be just as good!" "Wow, you're an idiot you want one book and you get one with a pretty design" Lisa Says. "Well I never said I wanted it because of the design." (Truth: She did want it because of the Design. Lisa is Correct).

They go up to the cashier and Buy the book. "Well who is driving?" Luke Questions. "How about you Flatass" Lucas stares at her as she begins to smirk. "Fine" He replies as he accepts that they will always call him a Flatass. He soon enters the car and turns on the engine. "To the dorms we go." He says with no enthusiasm. (They go to WingVille Academy a High School to learn all about magic to become a great Explorer or Caster. A Caster is someone who studies or uses magic. And an Explorer is someone who searches for the great artifacts of all magic.)

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