The glimmer

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Luke drives the car quickly. Taylor decides to open the book very quickly she get smacked on the head. "Ow" Taylor says. "You're going to get a headache and I am going to have to hear you whine the whole ride!" Taylor frowns as Moses begins to laugh. Taylor smirks "You're laughing at me weirdo." Moses looks at her in an offended matter. "I'M NOT WEIRD" he cries.

Everyone else begins to laugh. Moses begins to look at his phone trying to ignore the laughter. They soon arrive at the building. They all split up (All of the girls are roommates and the same with the boys. And that is how they met.).All the girls go to the dorm and begin to change into a fresh pair of sleeping wear. They hop on their beds and begin to get into their blankets.

In The Morning.....

As they all begin to move out of their beds Taylor as usual cracks a joke and they all laugh. They all sit down as Alexa heads to the bathroom. Lisa Questions "did u get a chance to read the book?" Taylor shakes her head "No, I will never sacrifice my sleep to read a book!" Lisa rolls her eyes "Of, Course why did I even ask." Alexa comes out and then 25 minutes later all of them are officially ready. They exit the room.

In the classroom ....

They all begin to claim their seat. Taylor puts her books down and she notices the book she bought yesterday. (Also you may ask isn't it summer? No, there summer is spring so yeah I know it is confusing) the teacher soon announces "Yesterday, was Taylor's Birthday. So her family is here with a cake." Taylor slaps her head "Why?" Ryan her little brother comes up to her with a present in the shape of a book. "Here, we bought the last one." Taylor opens the present and looks at him smiling tears begin to fall "Thank you" Ryan walks down and gets her a piece of cake.

During Magic class....

"Take out your books to page 79"The teacher says. Taylor looks at her backpack and notices the book glimmer. She begins to stare at the book. "Miss Taylor" Taylor stops staring and grabs her book. She flips to page 79.As the teacher teaches the class. Alexa Throws a paper ball at Taylor. She Opens it up it says "Open your phone" She checks her phone and it says. Next ch..

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